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Everything posted by blan89

  1. exercising some of the very few remaining PRIVATE PROPERTY rights we have is hardly synonymous with supporting the rise of totalitarianism and a police state is it? but that's another thread.
  2. I don't know about up there,but we (everyone) still have powers of arrest,just it's not a citizens arrest (anymore). i suggest you look up the old powers of arrest and the new ones,see if you can notice the subtle difference No problem with people keeping an eye on their own property,whether they do it themselves or hire someone to do it for them.
  3. a what??? no my opinion of them hasn't changed. Oh! you had said on a previous post,that You had arrested some Shoplifters,You being a Security Guard ! Maybe got it wrong? was wondering how Security guards earnings had went up,since you paid for that big pad cash,would have thought you'd have big gates,keep the rif raf out ? lol i'm a store detective/cctv operator not that there's anything wrong with being a guard,our powers of arrest come from article 24a of s.o.c.p.a,there's no such thing as a citizens arrest.
  4. and my dogs are a bunch of fannys,would be better off letting the missus at them.
  5. a what??? no my opinion of them hasn't changed.
  6. At 10pm???Cheeky tw*ts,you dealt with the RSPCA in the right way not letting him in,bet he was spitting feathers,but he is just Joe Public same as you and me,hope your hassles cease now,any idea who dropped them on you in the first place? My first thought was they wouldn't be working this late unless they've got something to pull me for,but all's well. i know exactly who. They're both in their late 60s and do some illegal things themselves,you'd think they'd know better considering it's hardly a secret but c'est la vie.
  7. just had them round again,this time with the police,i invited the police in and asked the rspca inspector to leave the property which he did,showed the police around the kennels they said it was exemplary and they were happy to pass that on,he also wrote me a statement. so hopefully that'll be the end of it. i'm just glad i was in,thanks for the advice
  8. they had a complaint that my dogs don't have any bedding and never leave the kennel. for the record they get at least an hour walk a day and sleep on straw which gets changed once a week.
  9. thanks mate. I'm sure i'm alright,he was just trying to piss me off and put me on edge. he achieved his aim only messing mate :laugh: he did mate. my dogs mean a lot to me,i'm not too keen on some fat vegan killing them with a bolt gun.
  10. thanks mate. I'm sure i'm alright,he was just trying to piss me off and put me on edge.
  11. Just out of interest mate.....do you wish you had played it different ?.....i mean,if you have something to hide then yes you did the right thing.......but if you dont....maybe letting them in,being friendly then calling them c**ts after they had gone might have been a better option...... Id be surprised if plod came along usually if they,re going to hit you with a warrant they dont tell you first.....sounds like he was just being a dick. that would probably of brought less hassle to me but i'm too stubborn for that,i don't like people like this thinking they can walk all over me. i'
  12. thanks but Ive read that link before lads. like i said i've got no problem dealing with them,but i can't be here 24/7. does anyone know how long it usually takes? do they give them the right to force entry if no-one answers the door?
  13. Back with Plod???You should have asked him to vacate your property,if he refused to do so then phone plod yourself telling them your about to forcibly eject a trespasser,then got him off your property yourself,he has no legal rights above and beyond you or me whatsoever,he works for a charity,thats it,nothing else,he is joe-public in a uniform,phone the local RSPCA and report his beligerant attitude and the threats he made towards you,do not,repeat do NOT fear the RSPCA,f**k them and their warrant I've logged it on the 0845 number just in case anything else happens. i'm confident i ca
  14. Had the rspca around today,he wouldn't leave my property so i had to eject him. he got abusive and told me he'd be back with the police and a warrant,I know he's probably talking out his anus but it has got me worried because i work 60 hours a week and my birds here alone with the kids. I've tried calling a few people but i can't find out if he gets one how long it will take.
  15. lol poor fanny probably has no idea how funny her name is.
  16. he looked good,but that stoppage was a piss take.
  17. lol i've had a similar episode but it was my dad who walked in and i was too pissed to get embarrassed,luckily my dad just awkwardly pretends stuff like that never happened.
  18. where are you from? It's always good to see your country do well,even if it's in a sport like darts/bowls/tiddlywinks/football etc
  19. The worst part by far is those 2 wars killed off many (most?) of our brave men,leaving the cowards and war dodgers to repopulate the country. I'm just thankful that 3 of my great grandfathers had children before dying at war, lots didn't ever get the chance.
  20. blan89

    Poppy burners

    That's the only time i've ever seen anyone from the EDL not either stood around shouting,drinking or running away. good to see
  21. If he fights a klitchko in the next 5 years i'll have a ton on either klit until then all the best to him and i hope he makes it the top eventually.
  22. good to hear your alright (broken fingers aside) did anyone catch him??
  23. http://www.caninesports.com/SNBehaviorBoneDataSnapShot.pdf not entirely relevant to an adult dog but some good info.
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