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About bertieboo

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  1. That's great!

    Hope he does the same with our rumbustious retriever pup!!

  2. hi just read your message. i went for a lesson with him on wednesday last week. he was really good had my pup walking off the lead to heal in 5 mins. going to go back every 2 weeks untill shes fully trained. thanks becky

  3. and don't blame the dog if she shows her teeth if you bring your knee up to her!!! Honestly! Try a professional trainer for a week; (£135 well spent) Try Gamegoer; it is worth it to give the MIL and dog a great life ( call it an Easter present!)
  4. Graham is well-renowned, and offers a fantastic service; did 3 labradors of a friends, and then took them off lead through a field of rabbits to show how good they were to command and off lead. I amj ust about to send him 2 of mine, later this week. phone him and talk to him.

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