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About JoshAdams

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  • Birthday 29/01/1985

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  1. Glad you got her back you were very lucky there mate !!
  2. Gonna try my best the wife is gonna think I've gone and left her haha
  3. Yep the lighter mornings and evenings mean folk are starting to realise that they are not alone. Best thing thing is to show willing and fit in as much as you can in the next few weeks after . Even cream off the easy burrows so you get decent numbers to show the landowner you know what you are doing . Then explain that next Autumn you will (with his hopefully continuing permission ) try to get round in a more systematic manner and take in the difficult areas a s well. Good luck and well done with the permission .
  4. Been begging for permission for years get my first yes with not long left in season! Now I,ve got people phoning askin me if I've got time to come and ferret there land !!!
  5. Ey up everyone was just wondering which type of purse nets you prefer to use??
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