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Everything posted by blunderbust

  1. I had one but got rid of it after a couple of months. I used it on an HMR but I thought it was too big and to be honest it tended to white out a lot on bright days.
  2. Dealec Priory Gate Road, Dover, Kent, CT17 9SA, UK 01304 215575 info@dealec.co.uk or just google dealec You will find what you need from these guys and it will not cost you much. I use one of them, the 60w one as underfloor heater for my dogs kennel.
  3. Have you seen the one from David Stretton at Donnington Deer Management? It is a bit pricey but can be taken and used anywhere, I like the fact that you can have it on the skinning/gralloch frame to do the work at a good hight without bending and then swing the hoist up and walla, it is ready to drop the gralloch and finish the skinning if you should wish.
  4. When I bought my CZ exactly the same as yours I had the very same problem. I went through most suggestions already made here and even sanded down the stock a bit as the barrel was not totally free floating. When I had the gun stripped I noticed buy chance that the barrel had a very slight movement. I took out the grub screws and refitted the barrel making sure that it was totally tightened. Since doing that I have consistent sub 1" groups exactly where I want it to hit at 100 yards. I hope this helps, good luck.
  5. Browning Leather Cartridge Case with belt loop, holds 10 rounds and is good quality. I have had mine for a couple of years now. They cost £36.99 from uttings.
  6. I voted to take the Kid out first, my view would not change no matter what species we were discussing. I just have this thing that I am never going to be 100% sure that the Kid/Calf/Fawn would survive without his/her mummy. I might, to be honest allow them both to pass without taking the shot, a month or so, to me isn’t going to make that much of a difference and if it was getting to the end of a particular season, so be it. There is always next year. I understand that cull targets and Management is important but I have personal ethics and tend to stick to them. On saying that, everyone to the
  7. Top advice, I would recommend you take it, look at a larger cabinate and if you are thinking of rifles in the future, get a deep one, you will save cash and hassle later.
  8. I am not sure if you are winding us up here or if you genuinely think that you are ready to hold a fire arms certificate. Your avatar and the comment on your profile: "hunting an guns bows blades its all gravy =)" does not suggest to me that you are of the right mind-set to be holding any kind of fire arm. However everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt and if you do post the sort of convictions that you have if any then I am sure some of the guys on here will give you some advice.
  9. You have got to be the bottom of the **** pit, how can you come back with your vile comments about these guys when they have just posted proof that you are a dishonest git. I just can’t understand your mentality, I personally would be so embarrassed if I was ever in such a situation (not that I would do) and definitely would not go on the way you have. You make me sick.
  10. Been doing it for over 3 years now although have to admit haven't done it for a few months. I use a Kaskazi Dorado and as you say the catch rate certainly goes up once you start getting out.
  11. Tell him not to bother, by failing to mention the crimes he has been involved in, no matter that they were 20 years ago, he has shown that he is dishonest. He will have got a copy of his crime sheet from SCRO which will only go back as far as when the system was first used. However the type of crime he was involved in will have been transferred over from hard copy and will show up on the PNC system. I would love to hear the outcome of his alligations and his intent to fight it. Basically he is having a laugh and I feel there is a lot more to this story than has been stated. ATB, Jimmy
  12. Well done mate great write up and a good bag.
  13. whaaa retired at 51 you lucky bugger wish i was I actually retired at 49, yep I have to admit it is great, but my wife still works for the Police as an FME, so I look after the wee boy. Not a problem though as he is about to start the school so I will get a lot more shooting and fishing in now. LOL.
  14. I never said I was a Police Officer, but I did work for the Police for 5 years after serving 27 years in the Army. I said my comments were from experiences I have had and the fact that I have shot for over 40 years and never once have I had a problem with Police being called out to me. I believe that it is each individual’s choice and if they feel it is needed fine, but it will not ensure that he or she will have an undisturbed shoot. Fry, I am retired now buy the way.
  15. Fry, no I am not saying it is bollocks, I am saying that in my experience it is not needed. I have on numerous occasions seen Cops having to react to a report of an armed man at so and so. After the situation had been checked it was found that an incident control log had been called in by the shooter before he commenced his shoot. But in the control room they probably receive hundreds of other incidents and the shooters call gets pushed way back in the system because of this (Due to there being no follow on procedure required. If this happens in the time of a shift change the new operator migh
  16. What you are saying is that the officer was acting illegally and do you honestly think that he would get away with such actions with his section Sergeant or Inspector the first thing I would want to know is what were the circumstances wich lead to the need for a vehicle inspection. I would expect a very good excuse. I have shot for over 40 years and have never called the Police to tell them that I am going out shooting. If they choose to do as you suggest then that is the area SOP for such situations. On the other hand if they call the said hunter who has reported that he shooting in the area
  17. Well done Leeroy, a good heads up on scum. I will know not deal with that lot of dirtbags. No doubt once the sh*t hits the fan they will re-emerge as a completely new firm with a great new product.
  18. +1 Deben are a great bipod.
  19. What is good about the fact that the Doe was being stressed out for no reason what so ever. In a situation like that I and most other sensible people would have brought my dog to heel and moved away from the area.
  20. Not sold, I was was sent the wrong scope in the right box which was posted back the next morning. I have today recieved my cash back.
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