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everyone waiting for mine to slip up netter you as bitter as fatty. i cant help it i was seeing your wife you bitter c**t
i think soapy dog went first on the wool i will find out for you
come and see the fox sheep dog
he got more wool in his dogs teeth than a harran jumper
he is brownies puppet pinkey
is that right netter mate fox is on the woolly stuff
how much you selling them pups netter
everyone is doing it pinkey even him if he is honest
ha ha he do look like peter griffin ha ha
ok netter
local boy in a photograph
I think he have got you nuggett the boy got a point
who are you vix hinstine ha
what about this lump your on about pink any room for me my dogs are bang on with wollies
f**k up your as dull as dopey soapy