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About c.kirky

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  • Birthday 19/03/1989

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  1. ye i feed mine dry food thats all it ever has since i got her. wat raw meat do u give yours? think i shud changer her food then.
  2. my dog has got two little bald spots with dry skin took her the vet she was checked and had no ringworm, mites or fleas. reason for going the vet was because i had no idea why plus i have a 1 year old daughter and didn't want her to catch anything if the dog did have them problems. has anybody else whos got a pat ever experienced this unexplained for loss of fur does it grow back? the vet says its common in these dogs no treatment was needed. people have said mix cod liver oil with her food is this wise will it help or is it a stupid idea.
  3. how old would you say is appropriate to let my 7 month old bitch start to control rat problems is it better to start them early or wait for a bit? shes showing signs of great potential, as she is always chasing birds she has already tried chasing a rabbit but obviously got know where! shes forever chasing leaves or anything that blows by. am eager to get out with her on the local farm please let me know thanks
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