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fallow buck

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Everything posted by fallow buck

  1. raw is certainly the best but when i do put mine on dry,, usually through the summer its orijen everytime, its pricy but the dog needs less of it, its brilliant quality ingregiants, let the dog munch on raw bone to clean teeth or top up with meat and your done, orijen contains 70% meat 30%fruit and veg, bloody dog is fed better then me!! i did use red mills for about 8 months, found the dogs coat became dry and as already mentioned their waste seems rather loose
  2. for once I'm really looking forward to this spring/summer planning to get back into camping with daughter and dogs again! and want to go hiking round irish mountains with the lurchers, going sea fishing and even more camping!! helping my uncle with this years calves, bringing dogs to coast and generally keeping them fit and busy,, will go to some coutry shows and perhaps a spot at racing, nice to catch up with people,, summer is also about this years kits, myself and my daughter get well stuck in to it, before we know it the extra kits are re homed and its time to get ready for season
  3. some people really have nothing better to do....

  4. thank you! it will be fantastic once i'm there just tryng to arrange it as cheaply and effecient as poss.. if ye find a magic wand let me borrow it just dump me and the little lady at new house with dogs and ferrets and the little bit of stuff i'm bringing with me,, i'll give it straight back i promise!! but yes thanks regarding ferrets both of you, I really did enjoy it and greatly looking forward to doing it again, have a few ideas on what to make it a tad better,,, like bring in a fold up puppy play pen with lino lining the inside so they can't climb up, that means the kids could wat
  5. well we had a bit of a mad morning today!! it was my daughter's last day at school before we move to Ireland so I had packed a few party bits for the class, and had said I'll bring the ferrets in to school for the class to see them (age five) which added to the usual, breakfasted, walk dog, get dressed, pack lunch, morning maddness! so put the three jills in a cat carrier, a hob in my proper ferret box lol a bag of ferret goodies and went to school,, dropped little lady to her class and went to the office to sort paperwork and general chit chat, as a last minute thought I asked the rec
  6. took a lurcher bitch beating at the end of this season with a formal shoot, only done it informally, I had a strong feeling that they expected her to be crap and were just waiting to be able to have her as the loke dog, but she worked well the whole day, i left feeling proud of my dog and an invite to come back typical I plan to move country and get offered beating and ferreting on me doorstep, mind you its better hunting where i'm going! just keep them trained well during the summer, make sure their calm round people and other dogs and listen well to you, helps to be sure their not gun shy
  7. took ferrets into school today to celebrate last day before we move!!!!

    1. tb25


      hope they dint nip enyone lol

    2. fallow buck

      fallow buck

      no i was very lucky! lol second time i've done this, will be getting some photos back this time, was great fun, shall do it again :)

  8. will not be walked over any more!!

    1. judge2010
    2. judge2010


      lol you like abit of scat as well dont you?

    3. fallow buck

      fallow buck

      leather boots are better jt :) only if i do the walking lol

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  9. looks like a grand way to spend the day
  10. wants to take a glorious bite out of life!!

    1. tb25


      well they do say sharing is caring lol

    2. fallow buck

      fallow buck

      its a good saying i think :) x

    3. theferreter


      its nice to be nice

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  11. you could sell them mate good luck on exam x
  12. am going to some jobs then going to walk dog in time to collect a little lady from school xx

  13. has had a shit day, bring on tomorrow! new day new start blah blah blah xx

  14. knew someone who ferreted with collie and terrier once, it can be done, even knew a shepherd who'd give better chase then some lurchers too come to think of it! give your dog a go with the lamp, wait til next season for ferreting mind, young uns about now all the very best with your dog mate, be interested o hear how it goes
  15. urgh i hate packing!!! can't i walk the dog instead xx

  16. sorry to hear for your loss, i wish you all the best in getting another pup of a similar stamp of either from the parents or from sibling, keep your chin up and keep busy during the summer, all the very best xx
  17. loving the ears!! stunning pair of dogs, all the best with next season
  18. is feeling amazed at how nice people can be!! have decided i shall only be friends with decent human beings, people who have a heart and will pleasently surprise you :)

    1. tb25


      theres some good folk about...not many...but some

    2. fallow buck

      fallow buck

      there are some, you just forget that sometimes

    3. long dogs

      long dogs

      manners cost nothing lol

  19. lovely pics there mate, my camera does the same, its rather irratating isn't it good photos, keep them coming!! xx
  20. very true point mate,, I may not agree with the politics behind war or the system to those once involved, but respect where its due, this deserves a pat on the back, the job is one that will test a person like no other ever will, sadly they don't get the money, health care or emotional support I think they should but at least them and their families can hold their head up high and get the respect they deserve! all the very best fallow
  21. A true examaple of what dog and man can achieve together, the rest of us could learn R.I.P all the very best fallow xx
  22. is rather stressed!!! having to sort getting belongings, dog and ferrets to ireland for as cheap as poss,,, any ideas??

    1. fallow buck

      fallow buck

      p.s thank you x

    2. CarraghsGem


      if you need any advice on all things irish pm me, i can translate for you etc, help you obtain stuff

    3. fallow buck

      fallow buck

      i would if your inbox was empty :) thank you thats very kind of you xx

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