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Everything posted by mickyatch

  1. i enjoyed the wrecking crew dvd and its there choice to double up dogs but they run well and they do the job so why complain
  2. well after using my pup to full extent on rats in the past weeks and now shes flying through earths with fresh scent a really need to get her on a fox as she is mentally now ready to go ... any help lads ?
  3. ammmm back yessssmann !!

  4. is back :p ! yess man !!!!

  5. the crow near long ridge fell is 100% white and there is also a one near ingleton in yorkshire which i would say is % white
  6. any one got any rabbit purse nets ... for free nylon or hemp nt botherd :D

  7. jons on route :)

    1. jonnytraff


      yes man get ya c*ck out.. xx

  8. finds it hillarious that me and my dad carnt have a conversation without him shouting at me hahaha :D DICK!

  9. I might blow this whole thread up but from experienced dog men that have had all dogs in there kennels which breed tends to be the most "hard" terrier when working a fox to ground be it lakey russel or patt ?
  10. all the best mate hope u get the dog back
  11. game for murton like tell ya were an [bANNED TEXT] and game as a pineapple me
  12. Alot of yas will probablies laugh but what do you look for when searching for earths on new ground im tryna find as many as possible before the cover starts to grow back im usually just looking for drains or big kiked out places but is there certain factors that you look into finding fox earths atb atch
  13. sounds cheap mate all the best with the sale
  14. liking the black dogs lads tuff stuff collars to ? excellent thread keep it up atb atch
  15. nice wheaten bud does it work to ground and if so whats it like never saw one work it looks a toppa big feet on him mind atb atch
  16. Could any one give me this years specific dates of shows in the north east area please thanks atb ftb atchy
  17. whats the terrier seen or done is it just bushing or does it go to ground ?
  18. how much for dig deep then pal ?
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