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Everything posted by mickyatch

  1. Giiidddurrpp lancashire this weekend for 4 or 5 days lamb killer about we lamping and checking earths yeaahhhhh boyyy ;)

  2. emptied me inbox mate and aye he has a think

  3. How much would ya let the bulldog spade and tuff stuff colalrs go for ?
  4. Theres a bsa xl tactial on the for sale section for £200 with a scope cracking larl gun mate
  5. Bit far is he gna lend us it for a day or two like ?
  6. Hes a big boy all that diet of lambs will have done that to him well done mate another lamb killer delt with !
  7. I went to this show a while back and it was mint may haveto make the trip again
  8. Alright lads im after a hob ferret to line me jill to ... shes gettin on abit and is a good grafter my hob died last year and i carnt seem to find one that works round me any one in the sunderland area that will chuck there dog ferret in for a few days please ya welcome to a kit if you want Needs to be round sunderland local-ish..... PM me atb thanks atch !!!
  9. lurchers whens the blanchland show on mate i think i may have to make a trip out to it
  10. Its a joke last time i bothered my arse to watch countryfile ... john craven was stood in linconshire bellowing at a man in a subaru "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO HARES !!! WHY !!!!!" with the police stood next to him 5 minutes later craven turned to the camera and said the dog men slip there dogs on a hare and they chase it down catch it and rip it tot tiny peices in the feild. f*****g berk ! anti scum countryfile should tell the truth about the countryside !
  11. Its a joke last time i bothered my arse to watch countryfile ... john craven was stood in linconshire bellowing at a man in a subaru "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO HARES !!! WHY !!!!!" with the police stood next to him 5 minutes later craven turned to the camera and said the dog men slip there dogs on a hare and they chase it down catch it and rip it tot tiny peices in the feild. f*****g berk ! anti scum countryfile should tell the truth about the countryside !
  12. are these park lines red patterdale or lakelands ???? im confused ... i have dug to a prick eared lakeland dog may have been parks looks similar to these dogs on here except he was black and tan ... was a good dog to atb atch
  13. Just got back from ullswater this weekend my god theres some rock spots up there on them hills :D

    1. rocky1


      love the lakes mate ,

    2. mickyatch
  14. so its true the lower dowm the uk you go the more bullshit they talk ( just look at the MP'S) if your tlkin bwt me sorry i didnt mean meindle i meant nix air maxs 110s obv ya look the bollicks in them
  15. Id more then happy to show you the ropes you show me the permission mate
  16. Meindl Dovre Extremes ... £240 absolute dynamite all the keepers wear em cos there the best last ya a good few seasons
  17. Nice dog pal atb with sale the other two bull x's look serious tools atb atch
  18. that patt's a smart little dog where abouts in the north east are you from mate ?
  19. Off for a shine :D with loladigger brapp brapp :p

    1. rocky1


      ask him 2 give me a ring tomoz

    2. digginmad2011


      a will mate and its digginmad now atch remember haha


  20. Few messers on this site like ..... !!!

    1. baw


      PMSL, I know what you mean mate. Place is full of fannies, best to take it for waht it is.

    2. Lab


      Hello above.......;-)

    3. rocky1


      you just found that out mate

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  21. think you might have the wrong section pal .... ?
  22. nice shooting mate i would love more infor on the nightvision monocular from aldi
  23. As above what crops will pigeons be feeding on within the next week or two .. ?
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