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Everything posted by mickyatch

  1. Would like to say sorry to people tryna buy somthing last minute work in northern scotland hadda go away this week

    1. Hunting Lad

      Hunting Lad

      you got a job keeping like mate?

    2. mickyatch


      No mate furniture delivery i wish it was keepering :(


  2. well done on all the pups being healthy and giving to good working homes i think this is what people referr to about having a litter not just messers who breed 2 year old bitches and then sell all the pups for £300 or what ever to every tom dick n harry thats how the terrier game will dissolve eventually keep this up and the strong blood of terriere will be kept tight in the community of diggin lads the way it should atb atch
  3. Hi lads after having loads of sucess recently with my s200 i took it out yesterday only to find that i couldnt hit anything checked the zero and it recently has been throwing pellets everywhere tried to rezero it and ended up loosing a cap for the side of the thing .... frustrated i gave in any tips on zeroing lads ?
  4. Pigeon shooting the morra :D woop woop

  5. Sounds top notch where are u in the north east mate ? fancy a dig this season ?
  6. Alright lads, i just thourght i would upload this post as the season is over and the posts seem to be gettin more dry and boring. This post is about me pup that ive had for 18 months now and is a borderx lakeland bitch she is 14 inch tts and is quite a lump of a bitch she is just about spannable ( then again i have small girly hands hahaha) and this was her first season out watching an that she was catching and killing rats and squirrels from about 9 months old and still does it regular she saw her first dig at about 13 months and let her have a look at the end and she got stuck in since then
  7. £12 pound any one will post ?
  8. aye anah mate killing is the postage not making any money at all pal
  9. I am selling a small gun cleaning kit probablie better for rifle users then shotguns users. INCLUDED IN THE KIT IS : 3 Solid brass rods for rifles/pistols 1 handle for all rod sizes 5 brass wire brushes that fir the following guns, 12 gauge 20/28 gauge 30cal 270/280 cal and .22 cal 4 mops to fir 12 gauge , 20/28 gauge 410 gauge 357/.38 cal and 9mm 2 solid brass adaptors for shotguns mops/brushes and rifle pistol mops and brushes. Cleaning patches. All this for just £12 I also have a small pair of green barbour gaiters these were worn a few times by me when i was
  10. Got some more gear for sale today people ?

  11. I have for sale Modern firearms by Yves Cadiou and Alphonse Richard ... this book is for anyone who is serious on learning about guns or someone who is just passionate for guns. The book is a hard back book and has over 850 colour and black and white pictures, and is 224 pages. " This excellently illustrated volume on the development of firearms concentrates on the evolution of modern handguns and rifles. With over 850 colour and black and white dewtailed illustrations including 120 technical data sheets, it presents a methodical catalogue of firearms, backed up by abundent detail and tec
  12. This ban is actuall utter shite ... keep hunting keep diggin lads all the best for next season and £95 pound feck me ....ive been doing a bit of lamb protection just not with the dogs
  13. Dont you find that silly lads that fair enough pheasants are what £3.50 a poult and maybe on the very best shooting estate £35 pound per bird put over a gun .... and a lamb what £10 pound when born and by a few months old mebe £50 to £60 pound findin a lamb more expensive you would have thourght that protection of lambs would be placed before protection of gamebirds
  14. I know it is still legal to bolt foxes to the shotgun in aid of game bird protection but what is the situation for lamb protection ?
  15. all depends how much its gonna cost me to post them eh hahaha
  16. No longer fish turned all my attentions to hunting i have for sale The handbook of Fly Tying by Peter Gathercole The Fly Tier's Manual by Mike Dawes The fishermans guide to coarse fishing No author Fifty popular Flies and how to tie them Vol 1 by Tom Stewart The Pocket guide to Trout and Salmon Flies by John Buckland A dictionary of trout flies and flies for sea trout and grayling by A. Courtney Williams These books are very educational for anybody interested in tying flies. looking for £20 pound for the lot
  17. Aye if youre mate wants them there yours
  18. once ya set up paypal how do i work it what do i tell people to pay etc ... ?

    1. rocky1


      tell them your email addres

    2. mickyatch


      cheers pal


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