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Everything posted by R4881T

  1. So its not illegal to import Ak-47 mags into the USA as long as they dont come from China? Weird
  2. Jake, I had a problem with this for a while. If as you're lining up your cross hairs, rather than holding your breath to take the shot (which makes your muscles tense and invariably shake) breathe out very slowly as it relaxes the muscles and enables you to take a steady shot. It worked for me and may well for you too. Hope this helps! Ryan
  3. Tut tut. I think a certain someone is going to gaol!!!
  4. I'll admit they are amazing to watch when they 'swarm'. I was just thinking it might be another angle to try when seeking permission from farmers. But as they are a no go, that's out of the window. Thanks for clearing that up folks!
  5. Definite no no then! Cheers guys
  6. Hi All Just saw on the local news (points west) a segment about starlings destroying crops and animal feed. I was just wondering, are they classed as pests/ are they legal quarry? Cheers Ryan
  7. Thanks Andy, Just had a look and can get a HW95k for about £100 cheaper than the 98, cheers for the heads up!
  8. Yeah there were quite a few similar parts, might consider an upgrade in the direction of the Hw98, depending on what I can get for mine from the gunshop! Atb Ryan
  9. Just looked on the chambers site, They arent interchangeable. So thats scuppered that idea! Cheers for the help! Ryan
  10. No, no answer yet. I did call Hull Cartridge but they just fobbed me off saying that they have not tried it, which I think thats an excuse for we can't say in case anything goes wrong and they'd be liable! I might just buy a Hw98 stock and give it a go. Cheers Ryan
  11. Hi chaps, Does anyone know if a hw99s action will fit into a hw98 stock? And where can I get one? Cheers Ryan
  12. Well done Karpman, that first kill is it, you'll be hooked for life now fella. What's squirrel like? Never tried eating it before. And shawn is a great name for a dog
  13. Cheers I have lamped there before, but we werent expecting to be out as late as wee were otherwise I would have had one. Davy, Im in Westbury, but my permission is near Devizes Ryan
  14. It was great, Not at night though, we went out at 1 and didnt realise how late it was until it got dark really quickly at about 5. No lamps with us as we didnt intend to be out too long. Ryan ps, I dont like gutting rabbits in the dark as I got covered in it!! :sick:
  15. Hi All A couple of pics from todays (windy) rabbit hunt. One of the rabbits is my hunting partners first ever kill. We did shoot a couple more but they fell down a steep bank into brambles and we couldnt retrieve them (really need to get a dog haha) Ryan 3 head shots 1 centre mass Me with todays haul. The rifle is my mates Gamo Shadow sport .177 Oh yeah, the dpm smock I have on in this image cost a fiver from this place that I found last week http://www.strikeforcesupplies.co.uk/index.php?method=stock&id=6013&from=60
  16. Bob, Expect to see a letter from me at some point next week!! Ryan
  17. Cheers Bob, I think i will have me some of those! Is it just a case of sending a tenner down to you with my address and the pellets I am after enclosed? Also did I meet you at one of the airgun shack meets with Barry Hutchins down in Dorset? Ryan
  18. Thanks mate, will have a look at that at work in the morning, it'll make it look like I'm actually doing something!
  19. Does anybody know the cheapest place online that I can pick up some .22 Logun Penetrators? Cheers Ryan
  20. Cheers Brad, Yeah I know they are pretty brilliant, I have had a go with a couple .22 and .177 and if i did buy one it'd be the .22
  21. And heres me thinking It was free to join!
  22. Bit of an advance on 6 weeks then! haha. Cheers for the warm welcome guys!
  23. I do want an S410k and have done for a while now, So it probably wouldnt take much persuading! Cheers
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