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About PIL

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 11/09/1966

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    Wantage , Oxfordshire

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  1. Paralympics are being held in London this year, and in order to help visitors the organisers have published a leaflet containing cockney rhyming slang for the disabled. bacon rind = blind canary wharf = dwarf. cardinal wolsley = cerebal palsy. raspberry ripple = cripple. wasps and bees = amputees. tulips and roses = multiple sclerosis. diet pepsi = epilepsy. benny and the jets = tourettes. watch your wallet = black c**t.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. fireman


      Just a question as were on a para sporting subject as it were but do they in para cricket still call them stumps?.lol.

    3. PIL


      Hahaha fireman you should of put it up in the general section LOL

    4. fireman
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