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Everything posted by SteveC123

  1. Hello All - I'm a bowhunter from the US. Bullmastiff is absolutely right. The main principle behind killing with an arrow is making a fast, clean cut in the right place. An 80lb (draw weight) bow is pretty heavy. Some states have different minimum requirements. Where I live your bow has to have a min 35lb draw, and shoot an arrow with a min of 1.25inch diameter. My bow is currently set to 58lbs. If you are going to hunt with a bow, you MUST spend a serious amount of time in an archey range learning how to properly shoot. You need to learn how to expertly stalk an animal. A begin
  2. We have the same problem here in the States. There are lots of antis who will curse you with one hand while the other hand holds a cheeseburger. It doesn't make much sense, but in the interest of preserving our sport, most hunters here will show some discresion when transporting game home from the field. I live in a very urban area and I get enough looks when I walk into a gas station wearing camo. I wonder if the neighbors will mind if start gutting my deer from the back porch.
  3. Hi Rory! I'm in the same boat. As I read these threads, I'm amazed at how different the rules are in the UK!! It's going to take a LOT of research before I feel comfortable doing any hunting for fear of breaking a law. Best of luck, ~Steve
  4. Greetings everyone! My name is Steve and I'm from the US (Washington, D.C. area). I'm an avid hunter and spend as much time as I can in the woods whether it be hunting (or stalking as you call it), backpacking, and camping. There is a very strong possibility that I'll be moving to the UK for work. This news came up very recently and I don't know the slightest thing about the laws and customs of UK hunting. For starters, I was very surprised that you cannot hunt with a bow and arrow in the UK! I'm looking forward to spending time on this forum, absorbing as much information as I can
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