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rab 123

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Everything posted by rab 123

  1. cheerez lad. only been hunting for about 2 year and got my dogs about a year and a half ago i been through a few but the ones i have kept are defo the best. my name rab devon. hunt bout 4 nights a week great crack.
  2. my guess was saluki x bull greyhound. thought a bitta whippet to but not to sure. got him out of a pound. best dog ive ever had. were do u hunt rocky is farrah in ireland or england.
  3. what are you the daddy hunter. its not rocket science
  4. u got a good lookin dog then dartmoore. clearly rocky down there clearly knows f**k all about dogs. weres ur [bANNED TEXT] rambo.
  5. it was a post if u like saluki x dogs. if u dont wana add me f**k way off and dont ask stupid questions..

  6. im not 100% sure what way he bread. i think he is a saluki x bull greyhound. something else maby but dont think it. he was intended for a pet but took him 2 a dog show over here with a friend that hunts and ended up goin out 4 nights a week with him. have two dogs other one pregnant she a whippet x bull greyhound and the male i put over her is half bull half grey.
  7. can any one guess what all is in this dog. im not 100% sure want 2 know what you all think. i have an idea but want to hear what every one thinks.
  8. only met one girl that hunts in my life. see u word or worked with rescue dogs. this is my rescue dog evo.
  9. add me if you like saluki cross dogs.

    1. lamping lurchers

      lamping lurchers

      wht the f**k u on about there is pics of my dog up you numpty

    2. iceman001979


      nice dog rab love saulk cross but have too have bit bull or wheaten in them cant beat them for all-round work

  10. if [NO TEXT TALK] heares of the next lurcher and terrier show in north ireland please let me know as hunting season nearly finished.
  11. every1 has der own style. all u do is shine d lamp rouund d field. d part i found hardest was learning how 2 spot things that are sitting still at a distance. over time i got used 2 it. took me 8 months or so 2 get d hang of it. my lamp cost 40 quid and i still use it a year and a half down d line. but yea some 1 showin u how 2 do it is d best way. better pairin up [bANNED TEXT] lampin.
  12. i have 2 dogs but dont know what exactly is in the big male i think he is a saluki x bull greyhound. what do u htink.
  13. put a pic up. d white dog is my saluki x not 100% sure what else is in him. think a bta bull greyhound. its hard 2 tell wit some dogs.
  14. evo is d white dog roxy is brindle bitch.

  15. cant figure out how 2 put pics up

    1. lksopener


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