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Everything posted by toxo

  1. What a great pic. That's destined for a frame I know. Well done all.
  2. Since my shooting buddy got his ATN a couple of months back he's p***ing all over me with my Archer. There's no doubt they are very effective but my covert N/V is as much of an edge as I want at the moment. Maybe I'll change my mind down the line if they come back in numbers.
  3. I do use a very good spotting scopeTyla @150yds when zeroing or plinking and I make my own shoot n see targets but targets get used and have to be replaced or resprayed in the case of shoot n see. For whatever the reason I'd prefer not to do the 300yd round trip too often.
  4. Completely missing the point and yet more unwanted philosophy! For 300yds read 1000yds or 1500yds!
  5. Anyone tried one? Would save a lot of walking when zeroing. Or could tell you when a warren is coming out at 300yds. Don’t even read this U. You just carry on with what you were doing. You’ll go blind or something ?
  6. Was it a tall pond then U? Well done Jess.
  7. Show us that tree with the lights on the left cropped out U.
  8. Good work U. A bit of hard work usually pays off in the end. Do you do any calling or just stalking?
  9. They do have extra features that we won't use such as checking speed like a radar gun. They do work in daylight but you won't see the pulse without an IR camera. You just have to point it at large targets like a nearby tree Instead of a rabbitThey have aiming marks that are accurate and the readout is coloured and bright enough to see in full daylight. I love that I can switch from the hornet to the 22lr via a mount on each scope. As Phill says, if you don't use a rangefinder, especially at night you have a nice surprise coming.
  10. I use the scope mounted one. Got a mount on the 22lr and the 17hornet and wouldn't be without it. Just adjust the pulsing beam so it's in the center of the crosshairs. In use you press the rat tail type pad and it comes on. Press again and it will give the range in yds or meters. Press again and it switches off.
  11. Doesn't look real to me. I get the mirrored side reflecting what's in front but when he turns it around to the see through side. why don't we see him as well as the steps? The mirror bit is a great idea though.
  12. I've always liked Hawke scopes because they're good with my Archer NV so I bought another Sidewinder to go on my 17 Hornet. Always liked mildot reticles but decided to try the SR Pro ret this time. I was really disappointed with the thickness of the center cross. OK I guess if you're shooting dinner plate sized targets but I found it all but obliterated the center of the target when trying to zero at 150yds. I realise there has to be something for the IR to light up but I don't use IR, in fact I'm not sure if bright IR is detrimental to tubed NV. I found myself regretting the purchase every ti
  13. Last week I had two tenterfield whistles, A good un and a not quite so good un. I gave the not so away and last Saturday I lost the good un which had proved itself exceptionally well over the last few weeks. So now I had none and looking around for something to make a new one out of couldn't find a tin can anywhere. So it was sausage egg and chips with cream of mushroom soup for gravy last night. To be fair I always have a wet dinner anyway cos of a cancer thing a few years ago so I didn't mind it. The things we do for our shooting eh!
  14. It really was to clear things up. Those loads have been accrued over time. As you know there is little info out there for the 17gr pill and if you ask ten different forums a question you'll get ten different answers. Some swear by Lilgun whilst others won't touch it, etc etc. What I want to end up with is a medium range quiet load and full load for "normal" ranges. At £5.50 per 100 for the 17gr Vmax I won't discard it until I know it won't do what I want it to do. Until recently I've only been getting out once a week and then for a limited time. That's changed now and I can put in full da
  15. This from Google. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ThrutchThe name given to the "pressure" applied to the internal muscles required to push out a turd.
  16. Very much a work in progress. A mixture of cases, COAL, etc. Just looking for powder to go forward with. The question is, why are the Trail Boss holes smaller than the others? (bottom of the page)
  17. Don't you love it when the hard work pays off. Well done Ian.
  18. Forgot to say I have a short version which is great for sitting. Very stable but only useful when targetting a warren or similar because you can't swivel to scan when sitting. More than enough field of fire for fifty yard plus though.
  19. If you were close enough I'd happily let you try them mate.
  20. You really should try the quads Tremo. They're as cheap as chips and as stable as you want them. A few years ago I added an extra stick and if you have the time you can get em so you just have to pull the trigger. My extra leg is adjustable. I don't have to use it but for longer targets I extend the back leg with the rifle pointed high, then lowering the rifle to the target I put slight pressure on the back leg with my knee. Takes longer to tell than to do. I'm not kidding when I say if I couldn't have my quads I'd hardly go shooting at all. I suspect a lot of people that are using one, two, a
  21. Shoot n see targets are real easy. All you need is a sheet of card/paper, some clear tape and a contrasting can of spray paint. I've tried different combinations but the original flouro yellow and matt black paint I find to be the best. Simply cover the card/paper all over with the clear tape and spray with the paint. You'll need to scratch crosses on it when dry or whatever you want to aim at. I know I'm teaching granny to suck eggs for a lot of you but there are always newcomers coming along.
  22. You'll get him soon Baldy and let us know how when you do.
  23. I think you're right Eddie for something I can use indoors or in the garden but I think foxdropper is on the money for in the field.
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