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Everything posted by toxo

  1. Thanks Buster. Looks like a good read. Give me a story every time. I'll look out for it. Not what I'm looking for though. I've been thinking about the difference between hunting for sport and pest control. On the one hand, letting birds and animals go through their breeding cycle ensures future sport whereas if you are contracted via "a permission" to control pests, there are no prisoners. Until I get a decent sized permission (I've got a smallish one with no pressure to control pests.) I think I should be responsible for what I shoot and when I shoot it. To this end I did a "net" searc
  2. Hi Guys. Has anyone previewed this book? If it's worth buying, where's cheapest? Are there any other books/ebooks/articles that layout a hunter's year/diary? Maybe as part of a nature year or a farmer's year or even a poacher's year? Stuff like the best time to go for pigeon or bunnies, ploughing time, stubble time etc?
  3. I've just bought three of these from Ebay for £2.59 posted. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180522183019&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT They're quite small and snap fit around a barrel like a glove. Screwed on to one of my extended bank sticks it's an excellent monopod. Use two for an upright bipod (or kneeling). Also use as a thumbstick or hide poles. Well pleased. Being rubber, albeit a fairly hard rubber, they might even work for springers. Just thought I'd share.
  4. Made I belly larf that did.
  5. You don't say what's on the field Moley but Watchman touched on the answerI think. I would be thinking of putting four straw bales in the middle of that corner. Perhaps a day before you shoot to let em get used to it. Just store em somewhere along the ditch when you're done. Cover em up though else they will disintegrate in time.
  6. A famous angler called Fred J. Taylor wrote book called "Favourite Swims". Each chapter was based on another anglers favourite place to fish and why. Richard Walker who held the Carp record for many many years wrote a chapter called "Rook Run" where he was given a sack of Rooks by a farmer. He hung them in a tree over the water. Went back three weeks later after the maggots had been dropping for a while and had a field day.
  7. First pic shows the (unfinished) extended butt. I've used layers of the kind of foam you get in camera cases. I have lots of this if you want any posted Karpman. I think it makes good extension material although don't know how I'll finish it when it comes to it. Best thing is you can add/subtract layers easily. http://www.unusual-gifts.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Scope016.jpg This pic shows where I was trying to find a place for the scope where i would have the correct eye relief. In this pic the scope really wants to come back a bit but the turret block won't allow so it's got to go to the b
  8. I didn't realise this thread was still going. Must've forgot to "watch" it. Anyway, Karpman we seem to be on a parallel plane. I too thought about which mag to go for and I too have decided to go with the AA. I think There might be a problem though with the limited scope rails on the S200 if you extend the butt. I've extended my butt (rifle) by around an inch temporarily and I'm not sure that I've finished yet. This brings the eye relief point further back and both my scopes are "zoom" ones. The zoom ring means it's going to be difficult to site the scope bearing in mind that the AA mag takes
  9. Yes, I'm aware of what he meant. My argument is that he said nothing to help me. I bought the "tuning kit" in the hope that it would come with instructions that would help solve the problem. Needless to say it didn't which is why I asked here. After being PM'd with some good advice the original spring was replaced, one iffy seal was replaced and (what I believe to be the culprit) dodgy oil/grease was removed and all's right with the world. As I repeatedly said, I never was "tuning for power". I just wanted some simple advice to help solve a problem. What I got was philosophy. Christ, I could p
  10. Seems like sound advice to me, Maybe he don't come across to well. But the advice there was sound enough. After market goods can be a dodgy gray area in replacement parts from cars to guns to hoovers. Karpman Apology pending.? You might see it as sound advice Karpman but then you're not a newbie are you and where does it help with the original question? Come on guys, this is just like someone who sells Ford parts telling you not to fit after market parts to your ford. Ha Ha!.. No deal Archie. Not yet anyway. Still need convincing
  11. I've found enough good people on here to not cut off my nose to spite my face. To those who tried to help including those who PM'd me with practical constructive advice, I thank you again. My gun is again performing as it should with all original parts intact (with the exception of one seal and I'm not sure if that was failing). As for this thread, I have to say I was disappointed. I asked for help and I got philosophy (Buster's brand) and I still can't see why I was jumped on for taking umbrage at someone who twisted my original post to promote his own views. If someone can show me anyth
  12. Test it out, do a review, if your not keen bang it back on ebay as new get your money back and try again, im sure it will be fine tho mate .atb. .ste. Not sure how useful this is gonna be. Unit has been sent back to seller. Couldn't get it to work at all at first. Then got a single mark at 161yds. After about 30 tries I had about four results, none closer than 57yds. Thing is, it looks the same as the Guntuff and a few others. Probably made by the same people and badged differently. I don't want to be too harsh on the product because I know that there are many Ebay sellers who dea
  13. First off let me say again, I'm not looking to tune for power. I just want the thing to perform like it's supposed to. When I joined this forum I didn't even have a chronoscope so had no idea at that time that the thing was under powered. I thought I was joining a group of like minded people who wanted to exchange info and ideas with a view to enjoying the sport even more. Those of you who have come at me (without knowing me) with cynicism and sarcasm have confirmed my belief that you don't really want newbies on here. You're all happy with the little cliques that you've formed over time. Noth
  14. Thanks for that Buster. I did suspect a seal. Ordered a set yesterday.
  15. Thanks Phantom. This information would've had me suspecting a seal a lot earlier. I bought a "tuning guide" with the hope that it would help with the problem. It came with two springs which I won't use if I don't have to.
  16. but hey , what do i know ................ Well we'll never know will we, since you like to keep it to yourself so much.
  17. I have to admit I don't know the answer to that one Buster. You'll have to tell us. If it was aimed at me I have to wonder if you read the original problem at all. I certainly don't want to ruin my rifle. I've only just bought the thing and if it was putting out 11.5ftlb's instead of 9.4ftlb's I wouldn't have touched it. And where did Heath Robinson come from? We're talking about a spring that slightly stronger than the original for God's sake. And this from a man who earns a living selling AA spares because the originals are so good. Could you be slightly more constructive please Bus
  18. Hi all. Been trying to tune my s200 which was woefully under powered. Have two "performance springs" one stronger than the other and both are stronger than the orginal. I've tried both the stronger ones and each time I've fiddled eith the exhaust port screw and I'm getting some weird results. When I fire the gun the ftlb's goes down too much. As an example the last session went like this. Started with a new fill to 180bar Fitted the strongest spring with the result of 16ish ftlb's. Within about six more shots \i was well below 11ftlb's. I only want 11.5 but I can't start adjusting until
  19. I've just bought this one: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120655725517&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT Hope it's not a lemon. Should be OK. 6x mag, water resistant. Will let you know. Paul
  20. Hi Paul. If you have a look in the custom stock thread, I have put a bit in there about stock fitting and other changes pages 9/10 I think. I hope some of whats in there is of help to you If you look carfully at the butt pad, you will see two very small marks, top and bottom, push a cross head screw driver into these marks, and into the pad, you will find the two screws that hold on the pad Getting the fit right is very worth the effort mate. ATB. Bill. Well I looked and I looked and then I got the "good" glasses out and looked again. Then I got the magni
  21. Hi Guys. Hope someone can help. Only had my S200 for a short while and like it a lot. Trouble is it doesn't fit properly. I feel sort of hunched over it and struggle to get the correct eye relief on the scope. Because of the limited scope rails on the S200 I can't move the scope forward so am thinking maybe I can lengthen the butt. How do I get the rubber pad off? And are there any butt extensions made for the S200? The butt length is so short I can't imagine I'm the first to ask this question. Also, I can't make up my mind which multi shot magazine to go for. I seem to remember readin
  22. Bit late but for those collectors out there, There's an auction on NOW in Chatham and they have three air rifles and a couple of pistols up for grabs. Two of note are a Wiscombe and an Imerial Air Rifle Co "Double Express" which I'm told is a double barrelled one. If they know you you can put in a phone bid. It's called Abbey Auction rooms (Google it) You can view the catalogue on IE (no pics though) 01634 817572 Paul
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