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Everything posted by toxo

  1. After a good night on a new permission I got back around 3am and couldn't get parked anywhere near. I left it on double yellows outside the house knowing I would be up and out early on. Missed the alarm and woke up at 10am . Rushed to the door to find a warden writing it out. "I'm just about to move it" says I. "Hurry up then" he says. Turns out he's leaving in a few days . "You're a star." says I "Do you like rabbit?" "Yes" he says "I've just bought two". "really" says I. "Yes" he says". The girlfriend and I bought one each. Got the hutch and everything."
  2. Getting to know the ranges at night with the Archer on the back of my Anchutz 1417 with 3-12x50 Sidewinder. Had to drag the rabbit bag to the van
  3. Good to praise where praise is due. FDs sometimes get a bad press and rightly so. Well done and welcome to Kent.
  4. Well 1st try done. 1/3 rabbit 2/3 belly pork + ready made "premium" seasoning mix. I guess most will like them and I will certainly eat them but they didn't zing for me. Maybe the seasoning mix or because it was my first time I handled them a lot which makes the fat run. Some people put everything in the fridghe/freezer beforehand to stop this. Also a second person would have made things a lot easier and quicker and cut down the handling time.
  5. Ha ha! I'd love to see that happen.
  6. The place is alive with rabbits with lots of small ones at this time of year. I would imagine they have two freezers full and if not they won't have to go far for a fresh one. I will have a squeak though just to see what happens.
  7. Making a camera mount to go on the back of the scope as we speak.
  8. Watched a family of Stoats last night. Utterly captivating. Will try to get some pics or even a movie but they're about 60yds from the hut/hide. I have a Nikon 5100 but no long lenses and a Lumix compact. I suppose I could try holding the camera to the spotting scope or maybe setting the Nikon up at a closer distance. Ideas anyone?
  9. Looking for above. Fed up sweating with JP etc. Want something soft and lightweight and don't want to pay a fortune. Any recommendations?
  10. I've got a couple of their camo shirts. Good camo with a mesh panel in back. I've worn mine to the pub a couple of times with the usual banter " has anyone seen Paul". Good for in between weather on their own. Too thick for summer.
  11. If you've never used proper Bisto you've a treat in store. Next time you do a shepherds/cottage pie, mix 2/3 tbl spoons in cold water and add to the mince. Absolutely transforms it.
  12. Maybe gamey is the wrong word but come on Tiercel, if the purpose of this post is to educate me, you're not doing a very good job of it. Or is the location of said scent glands a secret? I do tend to take out everything that isn't tied down. I treat squirrel in exactly the same way and find that tasty.
  13. I use the original Bisto which is a powder. Don't know if it can be used dry. It's at it's best when mixed with cold water before use but it won't hurt to try it
  14. Hmm! Never thought of salt. I suppose if using wet like stock or gravy I could balance with rusk or breadcrumbs. Maybe even use my favourite original Bisto. Licking my lips now.
  15. I recently gained a new permission. I left a voicemail for my feo telling him the details. he called me to tell me that the land was already cleared up to .22lr and I should let Maidstone fd know and they would send me a letter to confirm. I called the firearms dept and spoke to someone who told me to fax/email a copy of my permission form which I did but whilst on the phone she told me that I couldn't shoot until I received a letter back. I reminded her that of course I can shoot it with a 12ftlbs and she said "Just a minute" and came back after a while agreeing with me. She seemed to think t
  16. Rabbit is a bit gamy for me but I don't like wasting it on the dogs so.... bought the mincer, Have belly pork and rabbit in the freezer, just waiting for the casings to arrive. Tried a burger last night with 1/3 rabbit 2/3 belly pork with onion. Wasn't bad at all but I'd like more savoury. How do I do that guys?
  17. Hope you've found somewhere by now Nick. If not, think outside the box a bit. Farms and golf courses will get you nowhere. Offer to shoot rats at stables or allotments or plant nurseries etc. Once you gain peoples trust they all know someone else who might offer you something better. There are thousands of places to shoot where the owners don't even know there are people like us who are willing to do it for free!
  18. I thought a Magpie call was a container with nuts/bolts or somesuch?
  19. Thanks guys. I assume the brass wire is one strand of the 6/8 that is needed right?
  20. Just starting. Where's the best place to buy made up snares and wire etc? Thanks.
  21. Shame it's not an FAC Dac. I have a very nice .22 HW100KT & S stock as well that I'll be putting up soon to fund an FAC Rapid or similar. Paul
  22. Hi Dan. I have some proper jobby Seacrewsavers if you're interested. Paul
  23. I need to fund a new riflescope so I'm thinking of selling my Allcocks Super Wizard. Not an early one with the rectangular green/black label but does have an extra top that's about six inches shorter than the norm. I also have a (apparently) rare Ivan Marks tornado match rod which still has the shrink wrap on the handle and has never been used. Any ideas on what they might be worth and the best place to sell them? Thanks. Paul
  24. Good write up Remy. Always good to get some background to the slaughter and talking about the behaviour of rats helps all of us.
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