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Everything posted by toxo

  1. I'd love to get an HMR that does what it says on the tin Deker but i'm reading the ammo isn't as good as it used to be leaving aside the availabilty or the split necks issue. Considering everything is going to be noisy, the HMR would be my first choice. I'm forced to make haste slowly anyway because I'm not letting go of my ticket for variation until I've stocked up on ammo because it could take a while to come back. I'm not gonna stock up until I've finally got around to testing the 5/6 brands I've accumulated to find out what my Annie likes best which, if doing the chrono bit as well wil
  2. I'll post here when I've tried it Elliott. Why did you get rid of the hmr? A bit of an enigma in that half the users think it's the best thing since sliced bread whilst the other half are either fed up with the lack of ammo or flaws in the ammo itself. Paul
  3. I might put in for a hmr, wmr and a .222 and see what they throw out. In the meantime I can lay hands on some Win SupaX Xpediters and they are mean. Nickel plated, copper jacketed hollow point with a 34gr bullet and a mv of 1640 I guess that'll wake the neighbours. I know you can't get these any more but it'll give me some idea of the noise.
  4. I've thought about this a lot lately, mainly because there are so many variables. I only want to shoot bunnies. (The sods are staying farther and farther away) but there's still a lot to think about. What will they give me for the size of my perms (they're not huge)? Don't want to make too much noise. Everyone getting rid of HMR because of shite ammo or availablity. Locally, not much in the way of availability huge back orders on hmr. Mach2? Don't be silly. wmr? Not much. Part of me thinks reloading might be interesting but the most of me is thinking... nah! Today I had a bit of an ep
  5. Don't I know it Tremo. Before sending off the last time I phoned them and asked for an alternate address because "The firearms dept" was a bit of a giveaway for the bad guys. I was told that was the only one they had. Guess what??? Had to call them ages later and they hadn't received it. Had to send a duplicate. I have to get myself organised for a pukka zero day. I've accumulated about half a dozen different brands to try and want to know what my barrel like before I load up with enough so the long wait won't be so painful.
  6. The adjustment at the back is to get the crosshairs sharply in focus for your eyes. Won't look the same for anyone else. Once set, lock it and don't touch it again. The adjustment at the front or sidewheel on some scopes is to re-focus/parralax to get the target sharp. Obviously this will go in/out of focus at different distances but it won't change the point of impact. The magnifying ring is the fella that's going to upset things a cheaper scope (and some dear ones as well). If you've got one of these, Zero at the mag that you usually shoot at. I would say use the maximum but many che
  7. Of course you're right Walshie. Me too but I shoot mostly at night with an Archer add-on which makes rangefinding even more difficult. If you know your perms and the yardages that's great but the above gives enough of an idea to kill that bunnie wherever it is. The night makes it hard to see where and how much you missed by and so so you can take two or three shots and still not get the rabbit. I'm gradually getting the right gear around me and then I hope I'll get so used to it that all the above won't matter so much. Then I'll be like you guys going WTF??? With practice you'll make a c
  8. My thoughts exactly. I will get on top of it in the end. Let's see if i'm anywhere near. 1 MOA = 1 inch roughly at a 100yds, 2inches at 200yds so presumably 1/2 an inch at 50yds. The Vortex scope subtentions are 1/2 and 1 with 1/2 being 2MOA and a full dot being 4MOA Now let's say a bunnie is 15 inches long. The powers that be say if I want the range in yds I multiply the size of the target in inches by 95.5 and then divide by the MOAs that I measure through the scope at the calibration mag which in this case is 16x. So if I see a bunny that measures 4 whole dots through th
  9. My current ticket is for FAC air and .22LR and i'd like to try for .17hmr and .22wmr. On the Kent firearms page all I can find is that a variation is £20. Now is that per application or per item? Is it £20 or .17hmr plus mod plus .22wmr plus mod equals £?
  10. The title alone is enough to put many to sleep. I must admit to struggling a bit with the technicalities, probably because I haven't needed to learn them. If the ret has subtentions all you need do is learn the distances that correspond right? I think I'm about to buy a Vortex scope and you have to stipulate which ret you want, either MOA or MRAD. Is there a preference for rimfire distances? If so, why? Plain english please.
  11. Crumbs, do you have a link, next to nothing eats these in the field except maggots, and many years back I carefully selected and cooked some choice cuts to try myself, once was more than enough! I found the link by accident. Was a butchers in Gravesend. Was in a newspaper, City News or something like that.
  12. I was working in Walsall I think it was. There was a stripper staying at the digs and I arranged to go see her show. She wasn't much to look at really and a bit skinny but I was on a promise. Another of the strippers, a blonde who was built and dead sexy turned out to be her mate. With my mate squeaky (he had a funny voice) we ended up at the blondes house. Me being the stupid git that I am gave all my attention to the blonde who was reciprocating and dancing with me to the tune "pussy versus cocky tonight" . It didn't take long for the skinny one to develop a headache and we had to take her h
  13. Purely out of curiosity, what does one do with a dead Fox? Is the pelt worth anything? can the dogs eat it?
  14. Not sure pike gear will be getting dusted off this season way its going. Have you had much luck with the eels? big ones are hard to come by Ive heard? They go well though dont they. Years ago my fishing buddy told me a story about an eel. He was fishing a river and on the opposite bank were a couple of young oiks fishing with what looked like a broomstick. He watched them catch a huge eel and then proceeded to bash it and stamp on it for about ten minutes. Only then were they brave enough to retrieve their hooks. They were about to throw it back in the river when my pal shouted over to st
  15. Start again and make sure the crosshairs are in the middle of the range before you start. count the clicks from one end to the other and then turn back to the middle. Do the windage first. You might be asking too much if you're trying to zero too close. Zero at 25/30yds and if the windage is right just use the dots to aim over/under. If it's well out it's the scope or the mounts. I once bought a Bushnell scope and spent an hour getting it just right. Next time I picked it up it was three inches out. Turned out to be a clone. Was able to get my money back though. Decent pellets help. You might
  16. Recently met "mad4it" Stephen and a very nice chap he is too. He wanted a look through the Archer and after being rained off a couple of times we finally managed it last night. Did not start out well as, after going through my check list twice, I left the bloody game bag at home . That's what I get for gassing whilst loading up. I don't multi task very well. Just as well my nearest perm is only 15 minutes away and I appreciated Steve not giving me any flak. The first thing I noticed was how different everything looked with no leaves on. Just inside the field is a bush that I normally h
  17. A quick look at Guntrader shows 1172 .22lr, 448 .308 and 702 .243 for sale today as well. No fair Deker. .17hmr has only been around for five minutes. Good luck with whatever you end up with, I have a lot of calibres including the HMR, and I find it definitely has a place for me. Will probably end up loving it. Just wanted to look at alternatives first. If Charlies prices are do-able, I'll keep an eye on the hornet for later.
  18. Where did you go David? Haven't got around to buying a shotgun yet but I will. Have thought about the place on the island for a taster. Seems cheap enough and a nice chap. Paul
  19. Thats cos they are crap mate, sorry I fecking hate the .17 hmr LOL. Don't beat around the bush Charlie! Tell it like it is.
  20. Think I've narrowed it down to .17hmr. Won't be shooting at anything 200yds away. Availability is still a problem though. Just called my nearest RFD (45mins away) and he doesn't have any cept a box of 50. Can't get them. Has thousands on back order. Probably why there are bout 248 .17hmrs on guntrader from about £195.
  21. Good post Alsone. I think the cost is going to weigh heavily in any decision I make. I shoot for a hobby and don't sell anything so couldn't justify a £ a go. A zero/plinking session last week had my 100 round box half empty. Maybe look at the .17hmr with new eyes
  22. Mach2 Deker? is that not quieter/ cheaper/ less noisy than the hummer? Don't know about the cost or availability.
  23. Good to know Marc. I've also been looking at the Vortex range. I'm thinking I might like the tactical turrets and this firms prices are pretty good; http://www.optics-trade.eu/uk/riflescopes/vortex-viper-hs-t-4-16x44.html http://www.optics-trade.eu/en/riflescopes/vortex-viper-hs-t-6-24x50-rifle-scope.html
  24. I'll never get rid of my Anschutz 1417 but the bunnies are getting canny and staying farther out. I'm hoping to put in for something a little bigger this year. What are the recommends lads bearing in mind the following; Don't like the noise/cost/windage probs with .17hmr. If C/F I wouldn't mind reloading if neccessary (cost/availability of cases etc) Not interested in Foxes. Want some rabbit left. I have four dogs to feed.
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