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Everything posted by toxo

  1. All valid points but there's not much room on a business card. There's never anyone there to talk to so I guess I'll have to do a small flyer type thing. Left two cards at the gate but there was still a long path to where the stable are. Don't know if the paddocks are owned by one or many and someone may have just binned the cards. Not had a call yet but not giving up. Re; the bunnies versus horse thing, I think it's important to consider how closely cropped the grass is on this land. Surely this impacts on how much is a mouthful for a horse! Maybe there are so many bunnies that competition a
  2. If it's a long piece, I always write it in word first then copy and paste! I was that organised once David. Trouble is they don't start out to be long winded but I always seem to get a case of verbal diarrhea.
  3. Thanks David. In this instance the landowner wants the rabbits controlled so shooting the Foxes would be a retrograde step. There's no livestock to worry about.
  4. There's a corner of my nearest perm where the bunnies laugh at me. On one side there are houses and a road on the other. After finally getting around to fixing the leak on my Rapid Mk2 .22 28ftlbs BSA barrel, I cobbled together a DSA (the real ones are £100 apiece) to go on the back of the 4-16 Nite Eye. My thinking was to plot up in the corner so I was shooting along the back of the houses. I knew there was a sizeable warren in the undergrowth but wasn't sure where. I settled in and waited, and waited. No sign of Mr bunnie. All of a sudden a Fox came from one of the back g
  5. A little perspective is needed methinks. Leaving aside the rabbit hole thing which of course is a very valid argument, the kind of set up that Deker refers to can easily afford the grass stolen by a few rabbits but there are loads of 1/2 horse hobbyists trying to do it on a very tight budget. The land I'm looking at is like this. In total it probably amounts to around 4/5 acres divided into about 6 paddocks and the grass is as close cropped as a snooker table. This kind of set up can ill afford to lose any grass to the bunnies. I was looking down on this land and although I didn't
  6. Just spent a half hour on a post and touched the wrong thing on the mouse. Back a page, forward a page, all gone. Livid. Have another go when I calm down.
  7. According to this I make it about forty. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Glossary:Livestock_unit_%28LSU%29
  8. Left a couple of cards today on some land that covers about half a dozen horse paddocks. It's absolutely heaving and they don't even move when you pass by. If I do get a call I'd like to be able to use the "x amount of bunnies eat as much as 1 horse" (or sheep) line. I've just read somewhere that 7 rabbits equal one sheep. Is that right? How many for a horse?
  9. I'm not a lover of going on my own either but it's amazing how often you really enjoy it once you've made the effort. Hope you had a good day Mac. By the way, I used that same image you're using for your avatar as the basis for a business card that I hand out when I get a sniff at getting a new perm. I'll PM you with it.
  10. Not good form to go to the landowner behind your dads friends back. Your dads friend might not be your friend for much longer. Any negotiations should be done through your dads friend.
  11. Little wonder why there's been no ammo about.
  12. Here'a very bad phone pic from a previous session. Same place, Same set up. I suppose they're quin sticks rather than quads. The extra one is very useful as well as enabling you to be really stable, it also enables you to clean glass, check breech when it goesn't load properly, go pick up you bunny etc. Promise to take better pics next time. http://www.unusual-gifts.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/quad%20sticks.JPG
  13. Nice one David! A right bonus being able to get the motor on there.
  14. Next time I'll remember the thermals Steve. I wouldn't be without the Archer now. With the quad sticks it's almost too easy ian't it?
  15. I'm made up! My mincer chewed it all up. Haven't done the bigger leg bones yet but I will after I bash em. Even the saddle! My huge double handed cleaver split it down the middle and then bashed it a bit and in it went Thanks guys, especially wideboy. This is going to take loadsa time off my processing.
  16. Yes, I cut the front and back legs off the main body, then hit the back bone with the blunt end of a hatchet, it just flattens quite easy, then the whole lot into a mincer. Wow! Is that an industrial mincer? I don't think mine would handle the bones. Then again they're meant to be soft in the raw. Just this one, nothing fancy http://www.amazon.co.uk/Andrew-James-Electric-Vegetable-Attachment/dp/B0063CF80G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1453673578&sr=8-1&keywords=andrew+james+1800+meat+grinder Mine doesn't look as robust as yours but the destructions say 2000w. It also says don
  17. Yes, I cut the front and back legs off the main body, then hit the back bone with the blunt end of a hatchet, it just flattens quite easy, then the whole lot into a mincer. Wow! Is that an industrial mincer? I don't think mine would handle the bones. Then again they're meant to be soft in the raw.
  18. Haven't yet found a rabbit recipe that floats my boat but If I'm mincing I'm chucking in some belly pork and making sausages I find that boiling and taking the meat off is quicker than cutting off the raw meat and there's no wastage. Unless I'm mincing and then I leave plenty on the bone for quickness and then boil the bones. What I really want to know is if anyone with small dogs give it bones an all. I know the bones go brittle after cooking but can a small dog handle them in the raw?
  19. How many of you feed your rabbits to the dogs? I have four Westies and have pondered this many times. Of those of you who do, cooked or raw? I spend much time boiling and de-boning for two main reasons. To get rid of any nasties that may be going on and I don't like vet bills. I'm not sure that terrier size dogs have the bite of the bigger dogs. Regarding the nasties, is a spell in the freezer as good as boiling? Any info will be great.
  20. Went back last night to reap the rewards of my labours http://www.unusual-gifts.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/quad sticks.JPG
  21. Could he put in for another rifle and (assuming it's granted) then buy another with the RFD striking off the first?
  22. Have been itching to get out but after putting the Sidewinder back on the Anschutz 1417 it needed a daylight zeroing session and the timing/weather couldn't coincide. I needed a bullet/barrel test before I stock up on ammo prior to putting in a variation cos no knowing how long I'll be without my ticket. Anyway, 3AM came around on Thursday morning and I couldn't get to sleep. Then I had a brain fart and decided to go shooting. I was knackered by the time I got there after carrying rifle/quiver with sticks/tripods/spotting scope/stool and an extra large bag with everything else in including th
  23. There are a few reasons why a lot of anglers like to do their Piking in the winter. As above, they're more active and feed more often. There are less people on the banks in the winter. Less fuss regarding bait. Any smallish fish bait can live in the freezer so just take it out the night before or if using a fragile bait like a Sardine take it out on the day. It will stay together longer. You can also of course use lures. The best reason for me? Travel light. My favourite technique is to be mobile with just a rod, some bait and a net. Search out the p***y looking holes using a sink and draw
  24. They eat all year round of course but in the summer they can ambush passing fish thus using far less energy. Using less energy means they don't need to eat so often.
  25. It doesn't have to be cold to fish for Pike. They can be fished for all year round but the cold means more energy needed just to exist. On top of that the cover that made it easy to ambush their prey has died down so they have to expend more energy because now they have to actively chase their "dinner". Plus lures or fish baits are more easily seen without the weed cover.
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