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Everything posted by toxo

  1. I should have added, this is what I paid on a Wednesday. Don't know if different on a weekend.
  2. I'm not sure who has suggested HMR is a 200yard cart, it certainly has the energy to stop any small vermin, even fox at that distance BUT....... .....even though I have used it many a time at the range at 200, and admittedly a handful of times in the field at that distance, I personally, and definitely, do not see it as a go for, daily, 200 yard cartridge. "When introduced, we thought so much of the .17 HMR we put a single, diminutive cartridge all by itself on “the white cover,” calling it “The Little Cartridge That Could” (March 2002, p. 48). Necking down the .22 Winchester
  3. If it's a flyer (see what I did there?) it might increase the ammo output to cope with it. What I don't like is the testing at 50yds for a so-called 200yd cartridge.
  4. At Kingsferry the price of coaching is free Steve. 25 clays and 25 carts = £10.50. Help yourself to tea 40p. Was there last week.
  5. She is pretty ain't she! Weighed down with the gear on top including the huge T67 on top. Still, the quad sticks take the weight so all good.
  6. A few days ago I was on my way to my farm perm when I realised I'd confused myself with the weather and it was set to rain all night, I'd already told them I'd be down so I just hoped the weather was wrong. It wasn't so after sitting under my poncho with one rabbit to my name and the thunder and lightning getting worse and nearer I decided to call it a night. So last night with my shooting itch not even dented I went to my local perm to give the Rapid Mk2 a go with the Archer and a dodgy dsa on the back of a Hawke Nite Eye 4-16x50 AO. I didn't go out til around 10.30 and left as it was g
  7. toxo

    Black Bunny

    Thanks random but the mule fell through. Owner doesn't like other people using it. Maybe when I'm more established eh? In the meantime I'm working on an alternative, http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/ac307/mraquaholic/trike%20trio.jpg Went back last night with the night vision but not good. The field I tried has tall wheat right up to the edge and you couldn't get through it without making a noise. Also very tiring with your kit on your back. After a couple of hours I had two rabbits and missed two because of misjudging distance. I got a text telling me that someone e
  8. toxo

    Black Bunny

    Not brown. I saw two jet black babies. That's why I said the size of the nuts on him might have something to do with the black gene overriding the brown. Can't be because he's only breeding with blacks because the handsome little sod must have those brown hunnies queuing around the block.
  9. toxo

    Black Bunny

    I wonder if there's a market for black skins?
  10. toxo

    Black Bunny

    Where did that saying come from "The n***** In The Woodpile"?
  11. toxo

    Black Bunny

    They are U. I felt a little extra bad at shooting him. I suppose the fact that during the day they stick out like a sore thumb is more than made up for at night.
  12. Went to my new farm permission yesterday and had a drive round with the owner to get acclimatised and find out where the access points are and footpaths/bridalways etc. When we were done I had a mooch round without much expectation as it was very hot and bright. The buggars could see me through the long grass/crops before I could see them. I managed to stalk one and then decided my best chance was to plot up and wait in a likely spot. After I shot one they didn't take that long to come back out because they weren't used to danger coming from where I was. I was told there were black
  13. Exactly! I read somewhere that there was a hole in the fence. Hole or not the zoo is in for a very bad time and rightly so. No way an adult should've been able to get in there let alone a child.
  14. If you might use an add-on IR night vision you'll want a side focus scope rather than AO although if you only shoot at a fixed distance this won't matter so much.
  15. Mine only offers 1.25. I'd rather take them to the zoo for £1. No messing. He said he'll take a thousand as long as you give notice. Saying that my five dogs take some feeding.
  16. Good to know re the cleaning. This exactly what forums are for. Thanks UD WMR? I seem to have got the impression they're not that accurate, or is that wrong? I know the heavier bullet handles the wind better but does it have the reach? How does it compare noise wise to the HMR?
  17. That's the logic the RFD was using. He said I can probably show you 5 different 222 rounds and 20 243.
  18. OK so let's say we're going with the HMR. With things being a bit tight at the moment, we're probably looking at a CZ. Which one? What size barrel? What weight of barrel? Is it worth taking a risk with a second hand one?
  19. Bob. I don't shoot anything for no reason. My main perm at the moment has Foxes but I don't shoot them because the owner wants the rabbits gone. There's no livestock anywhere near to worry about. A few nights ago I was hunkered down waiting for some bunnies to appear and four Foxes passed within 40yds with one of em so close I think I could have touched it. couldn't tell how lose because I was watching through the night vision. I do know his head filled the viewfinder on 4x before he realised something wasn't right and shot off. This new perm being a farm is a completely different ball game.
  20. My thoughts too. Called my nearest RFD today and he said they've cured the missfires (which I take with a pinch of salt because the problem is not being able to anneal rimfire because the primer is already in the case) and they no longer have a problem with supply and they have loads in. A couple of months back they had none and couldn't get any. He also said that the 243 is an uprated 222 and has many more cartridge variations which make it a better buy. Which is the more versatile?
  21. I know it's been done to death. I've tried to work it out but still only have half a clue. Just got a new permission, a farm at last. Now I have an excuse to buy a shotgun and something with more reach than my .22lr. .17 HMR? Ammo problems when you can find some and relatively expensive (ammo). But for this it would do nicely. .222? Don't know much about it but might be a good fit. Ammo cost? .17/.22 Hornet? Again, don't know much about it. What I do know makes me want one, Can be reloaded but what's the cost? Not planning on any deer stalking, Just want something that's fl
  22. This is about shooting grey squirrels. The idea is a small hole in the front so they can't get too much at a time. They get used to coming to the feeder every day where you turn up a few days later and shoot them. Where these are going is miles away. I certainly don't want to refill the things every day.
  23. Just finishing off a couple of feeders. I'm stuck over how to keep the lid on. I know they can be clever little sods but how clever? First thought was a bit of bungee but will they chew through it? I thought of no hinge and a couple of metal straps going down the sides with a bolt poked through the sides but will they pull the bolt out? Any other simple ideas out there? Here's a pic. Have since put in a sight window and a ledge. Will put up pic later. Paul http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/ac307/mraquaholic/Squizzer%20034.jpg
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