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Everything posted by toxo

  1. A chainsaw file defo JD but I don't have one. I bought one of each of the above and to be honest the cheaper one is ok although the tapered rod on both could be a little thicker. Does the job though.
  2. I'm about to put in a variation to step up from the .22LR but I'm really struggling to decide what to go for. Cost is a major factor so will put in for a HMR but with the time it's taking to turn around a variation here in Kent I'm trying to think of the future. Not interested in deer or anything bigger than a fox. Not about to shoot crows and pigeons for a £1 a pop, rabbits either come to that. Would love more reach obviously but only to medium ranges and has to be cost effective. .17 hornet seems a reasonable upgrade and would be something to shoot with if hmr ammo gets suspect again or
  3. Depends on whether you want a dedicated night rifle or something that can be switched from gun to gun. I too use an Archer and can't fault it.
  4. Thanks for that. Just ordered one of each in case the ebay one is pants, The Blade medic should be good. Bit dearer at £10 but it's Lansky.
  5. Looks good but out of stock. Thanks for looking. Just found it cheaper here but found another Lansky product that's even better. http://www.knivesandtools.co.uk/en/pt/-lansky-blademedic.htm
  6. Thought I'd ask here first with all you knife makers. Where can I get a small sharpening slip stone for a gut hook? Or do I use a fine paper around a rat tailed file?
  7. Well done. I too have recently got my first farm. Even bought a shottie for the pigeons.
  8. toxo


    Come on guys. I don't think he meant for you to take it literally. I imagine the 3 tons included the shell, primer and powder as well as the bullet. I do know it's a hell of a lot of money. I always assumed that loadsa ammo was wasted in wartime because it was ultra cheap. Not the case it seems.
  9. toxo


    Just watched an episode of that weapons of war thing. The guy said that when the Hercules transport was weaponised and turned into a gunship (The AC130) amongst other weapons it carried a 20mm cannon that fired 6000 rounds a minute equal to 3 tons of bullets a minute at a £1 each. He also said the plane carried an "inexhaustable" amount of ammo. How much was that plane worth when it took off?
  10. I can't see an Eagle risking delicate bone damage like that routinely. I think it's either trying to make it lose it's footing and fall or maybe the goats had strayed too near her eyrie with chicks in it. Either way it looked to me like her talons were locked on somehow.
  11. I don't get it. Not one reply to this question since July!!! Hasn't anyone bought one of these scopes?
  12. Ahhh! Thanks Nicepix. You see guys, there's always more than one way to skin a cat. I didn't really want to faff around with freezer bags with the humungous amounts of bunnies that I shoot. Walshie, if I put a bit more effort in and graduate to your level what kind of string should I use in the walk-in freezer?
  13. No! Not about bunnies needing scarves and gloves. It seems like a bit of a silly question really but how do you guys freeze your rabbits without them sticking to the freezer?
  14. Nothing I haven't heard before Gaz but it's running well now. All it has to do is take me slowly around the farm. Not looking to take to the air at 30mph. Time will tell and if it proves to be up to the job I might even weld some struts to it to hang some camo nets.
  15. My situation doesn't allow for a big layout on a quad and I can't afford one anyway so I bought a really cheap chinese do-er upper. It will serve my needs admirably as long as it's reasonably reliable. Just need it to get me around the farm. And it will have to live outside on the farm to boot. Done all that needed doing but it dies after starting. Cleaned the carb but can someone tell me roughly where the carb screws should be? After that I'll look for an air leak somewhere. Any other ideas anyone? Thanks. Paul
  16. It's beautiful being out in that kind of light. Well done.
  17. Welcome Justin. Can't help with long dog help though. I have four Westies. Wish I could train them ha ha.
  18. Welcome Tony. There's nothing wrong with a HW100 Karbine. I have one myself although it doesn't get used much these days.
  19. After finding that my S&B 8x56 Klassic didn't suit my night time forays with my Archer add-on, I sold it on fleabay. The buyer (huntergather-2008) had it for FOUR DAYS before claiming it was broken (I have witnesses who will vouch for the fact that there was nothing wrong with it when I sent it). Fleabay in their wisdom never listened to a word I said and repaid the buyer in full from my bank account. And the scumbag even left me bad feedback. After paying for the return postage I now had a broken scope (there was a slight rattle when turned end for end) and was out two lots o
  20. I'm liking the capability. It's justifying the cost. I don't mind paying toward the cost of my sport but there has to be a limit. It looks like i'll be looking a bit more seriously at the Hornet. Can someone give a rough cost of the reloading hardware? Never done it but I know there has to be a press, dies, crimper, measurer etc. I also know that some cartridge components can be posted and some can't. Is there a website or some vids that'll stop me quizzing you guys?
  21. Well that's encouraging CC. How much for .17 hornet? Factory and reloads?
  22. Presumably, because the .17 hornet is c/f it doesn't have any of the issues associated with the hmr? What's a rough price for the factory and reload rounds? I assume the .22 Hornet will be more expensive.
  23. I'm looking to put in a variation soon. Just looking for more reach than the .22lr. Can't get away from the .17hmr for price but reloading might appeal. What are the practical differences between the .17 hornet and the .17 Rem and what roughly are the costs?
  24. Been waiting for some reviews from members of this scope. It's a candidate for the scope i've been looking for. 2.5-15x50. That's 6x magnification. 2.5 gives great field of view. Good for me cos I scan using the rifle by swivelling the quad sticks. 10yds to infinity side focus with IR on the side which is great for add-ons. Has anyone tried one? Or is the price putting people off? http://www.hawkeoptics.co.uk/frontier-30-sf-25-15x50-tmx.html
  25. Was given a sackful by a farmer. If not, what does?
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