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mr lurcherman

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Everything posted by mr lurcherman

  1. Plenty dogs killed 3 hares of one slip
  2. Me too. Collie crosses are versatile, a good un can do all And how many hares do you kill with your collie crosses
  3. Just googled how to dispose of dead body. We shall see what happens !
  4. If they raided my house for asking questions about hare coursing, they would be paying off my mortgage coz I ain't got any dogs. And murder is slightly different to coursing.
  5. No law on asking questions about things you don't know about. If you actually do it, it's illegal.
  6. Nice bitch, hope she produces the bizz. One of best saluki bitch producer gotta be mother to mars bar, Asha. That line of saluki is fast, very fast.
  7. Nice bitch, hope she produces the bizz. One of best saluki bitch producer gotta be mother to mars bar, Asha. That line of saluki is fast, very fast.
  8. Cant believe that topics are getting locked for asking questions on hare coursing. Even though it said pre ban. So if your suspected of asking about hare coursing, your off. In the same breath it mentions car theft. Get a grip mods. I'm interested in dogs taking big stags, but I don't kill deer. What's wrong with curiosity? It's not illegal.
  9. Correct, take it to crown court. Legal aid automaticly granted
  10. If only one percent of collie x can catch winter daytime hares, how can it be the best all rounder. ave heard it all on here now ,some f*ckin head cases on here Bet you dont get Ricky Gervais either
  11. Sorry couldnt resist that. But your reply a good one
  12. No, ive had exactly one hundred collie x, only one could catch winter day hare. As for him looking at you like your a twat, maybe is cleverer than you think
  13. If only one percent of collie x can catch winter daytime hares, how can it be the best all rounder.
  14. Same as today, alot still running same lines for 40 yrs
  15. Saluki greys take rabbits by the abbundance. They take down decent size deer, they take foxes, as do collie grey. Yes they will catch the best of hares on big land, some collie crosses might not if at all, as some saluki x, but not in numbers like a saluki hybrid. Like you said. So unless your after hares, its preference. Every saluki hybrid is different as is a collie grey. But dont get thinking a saluki hasnt got brains, its the most cunning killer off all. i would imagine a collie cross grey easier to train, prob more obedient. Prob depends on how much percentage of collie as well. More col
  16. SIKA john piere david deer are or used to be found in parks or zoo's. They come from france I think. They had big long heads. Sika come from Japan, can be mistaken for fallow in summer by the spots. black stripe on tail. Hi, yes i am aware of the differences. Actually PD's come from China. The Imperial hunting parks were the only places they could be found. trouble being that rulers and society changes and soon they were long gone in their homeland. Without old Pere David they would all be just another statistic. Respect to that man!! Sorry jdarcey, it was directed mo
  17. Rusa I salute you. Rusa.....never even heard of them....we live and learn. Rusa come from aisa, never heard of them being wild in this country, maybe they escaped from captivity. Would like to know more.
  18. Calm down JD...................No I haven't a clue........ pere david
  19. SIKA john piere david deer are or used to be found in parks or zoo's. They come from france I think. They had big long heads. Sika come from Japan, can be mistaken for fallow in summer by the spots. black stripe on tail.
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