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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. They talk nothing but "bolaks". I agree the immigration system needs a massive overhaul but I don't think that kicking someone out of the country simply on the basis of the colour of their skin is anywhere close to the answer.
  2. I'd vote Green before a narrow minded far right party.
  3. Rather than make national service compulsory make it a choice. If you refuse every job offered for 12 months pack your bags lad, you're going to Afganistan.
  4. I've only ever paid money to the the state and never claimed a penny back. It'd be nice to know my money is doing something good other than keeping some work-shy scrounger in fags.
  5. "Hundreds and Thousands" is a great trailing cherry tomato. Best planted in a hanging basket it produces fruit not much bigger than a marble but the flavour is intense, and as it's name suggests, there's plenty of them.
  6. "Is it right to 'push' our views on anyone?" Never thought I'd hear that from an anti!
  7. They should be good for next winter.
  8. Call the aRSePCA and tell them you saw it attacking a badger, the police'll be round like a shot.
  9. Ok, you've convinced me to give it a go. Who's got a good recipe?
  10. Anybody make it? Is it actually any good?
  11. That's great, thanks. My current tag is from Indigo Collar Tags and the new one will be too. They don't dangle so won't get ripped off and they look really smart too! Thanks again.
  12. What information do you put on your dogs' collar tags? My dog doesn't wear one very often but occasionally I have call to put one on him but someone told me I shouldn't put the dogs name on it. Their reasoning was that if he was stollen the thieves wouldnt know how to call him. How much information is enough information?
  13. What do you use to mince whole carcasses? Anything special or just a bog standard kitchen mincer?
  14. Not exactly relevant to working dog health and training though is it.
  15. Gilpa Valu Mix. Dog's fit strong and healthy with a coat so shiny you can almost see your face in it! It's only £12 for 15kg and it lasts me nearly a month.
  16. Would it be possible for someone in the know to write an article on feeding dogs the BARF diet i.e. what to feed, how to work out how much to feed etc? There have been a lot posts recently asking for advice and one pinned informative article could answer a lot of the questions people may have.
  17. Head Gardener on a big country estate.
  18. My dog used to do this. I solved it (I think) by doing retrieves down a very narrow footpath flanked by stock fencing, the dog couldn't run in circles if he tried. A few weeks of this (with lots of praise when he came in) and he was coming straight back even in wide open fields.
  19. Is there not a risk of bone shards doing damage to a dogs intestines? Chicken bones especially are prone to splintering.
  20. The Firewood Rhyme - Anon Logs to Burn, Logs to burn, Logs to burn, Logs to save the coal a turn, Here's a word to make you wise, When you hear the woodman's cries. Never heed his usual tale, That he has good logs for sale, But read these lines and really learn, The proper kind of logs to burn. Oak logs will warm you well, If they're old and dry. Larch logs of pine will smell, But the sparks will fly. Beech logs for Christmas time, Yew logs heat well. "Scotch" logs it is a crime, For anyone to sell. Birch logs will burn too fast, Chestnut scarce at all. Hawthorn log
  21. Bad firewood, it spits. Usuable if you have a wood burning stove and keep the door shut but defiantly not good on an open fire.
  22. Mooch.

    dog names

    Max. Or more usually :realmad: MAAAAX, get back here you little !
  23. If I've missed any, mention them here.
  24. I used to work on a golf course in a deer park. One particular stag used to hang around the club house and the members would feed it the leftovers from their plates. One day they reported that the stag didn't look very well and they all had to watch as the deerkeeper shot it! He then "politely" explained to the members that fallow deer are not supposed to eat curry!
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