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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. My lab x will pass by unused holes but will try to climb down recently used ones. You can't get a more positive mark than that!
  2. Mooch.

    user names

    If we used our real names the militant antis would have a nice easy list of targets without having to work for it. And even if I used my real name, no one on here knows me anyway so I would still say what I liked anyway.
  3. NOBODY should get away with punching ANYBODY in the street. The laws of this country should apply to all who stand on it's soil.
  4. Already taken the dog for a walk. Now for some breakfast and back to building my patio and other general garden pottering.
  5. Fantastic. Cheers Paid
  6. How do you put pics on here straight from an iPhone?
  7. They're wrong in the head and the more threats they make like this the more the general public will start to question the siht they spout as "facts".
  8. Mooch.


    Ah yes but in Scotland they do battered black pudding. They don't do that down here in England. Mm, black pudding!
  9. "Fair Game"? Doesn't sound like there'll be anything "fair" about this programme. The BBC complaints department could be busy again next week!
  10. You could try retrieve training with another, more experienced dog. When the older dog brings the retrieve back to hand give the dog loads of fuss. When the pup doesn't bring it back ignore it and send the older dog giving lots of fuss on it's successful return. Hopefully the penny will drop with the pup when it realises its losing out on all the attention. Jelousy can be a powerful weapon in your training arsenal!
  11. Mooch.


    Found a kestrel this morning while walking the dog. Looks like it flew into a tree branch and broke it's kneck. Seems to be in good nick though. How much might it cost to get it mounted? Cheers
  12. Anyone got any tips for curing hard mouth? Cheers in advance.
  13. I'm going to have to watch this on iPlayer so I can complain too!
  14. THINK ADAMS A ANTI ,BUT HE GOT A BADGER PROBLEM ,HE,S FARM ALLWAYS TESTING POSTIVE BOVLINE TB , A couple of weeks back he claimed gas guns were the best way to keep pigeons off crops.
  15. Mooch.


    P.E.T.A = People Eat Tasty Animals
  16. I'd rather see a golf course than a housing estate.
  17. I love THL, no one ever agrees!! What's the vinegar do Spanj?
  18. Just watched a segment on ITVs Countrywise about a moorland gamekeeper in the Yorkshire dales. He mentioned conservation management including (whisper it) predator control, the employment shooting brings to the countryside and they even showed him carrying a gun! On the other hand Countryfile on the BBC on Sunday had a segment on training gundogs without mentioning shooting. Well done ITV.
  19. Sex with a prostitute - insureandgo.com
  20. Well, I say "flock", I have 3 hybrid hens and want to get 3 more.
  21. What's the best way to introduce new birds to an existing flock? Do you keep them separated behind wire until they are used to each other or just chuck the new ones in and let them sort themselves out?
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