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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. That's really shit mate. I can't give you any advise but I wish you the best of luck in raising the pups.
  2. Seems alright to me. Don't know what all the fuss is about.
  3. Mooch.


    Scared the shit out of me first time I heard it!
  4. Try wrapping the lead loosely around the dogs neck so it doesn't trail along the ground and then when the dog lies down walk away. If it doesn't follow try encouraging it to you, maybe using the tennis ball, or hide round a corner which should prompt the dog to feel like it's being left behind. Once it's happy with the wearing the lead, gently unwrap it and hold it loosely while encouraging the dog to walk to heel. Also, buy as many training books as you can, watch training DVDs and maybe join a training class.
  5. Tomm Parr writes an extensive month by month foraging post on the Living Off the Land board. Very informative.
  6. I'm one..................sh*t, I've blown my cover!
  7. It's on again 9pm Wednesday on Horse and Country.
  8. Mooch.

    new look

    According to the icons I've posted on every single topic on the forum. Would be handy to have the "back to top" button back too.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking.
  10. For airgun hunting your going to need to get close to a still target so your dog will have to be ultra steady and stick to your heals like glue until commanded to retrieve (or stay). I think your only option is a lab and even then it'll take a lot of training. No reason why it shouldn't be possible, atb.
  11. Apparently the Labradoodle was first bred by an Australian to produce a guide dog that didn't shed hair for blind people with allergies. Admirable intentions but he actually regrets it now thanks to puppy farmers and Labradoodles being "fashionable".
  12. I hope the government's going to rush through the Golfing Act 2011.
  13. Check out the "Fowl & Feather" subforum on the "Living Off the Land" board. That should answer your question!
  14. What's that in English? What does it matter what it's used for or how many times? A well trained dog is a happy well behaved dog. Even if he only plays fetch with a tennis ball it'll still be nice if the dog brings the ball back! I, for one, enjoy training my dog and if we never get to beat or pick up on a shoot so what? Daryl, you train your dog to do what ever the hell you want it to do and I wish you the best of luck.
  15. We have a celebrity on THL!
  16. Missed it, was out with the dog. I've given up watching programmes like this anyway, they're always the same bunny-hugging anti bullshit and they make me angry.
  17. "What should I call my dog?" Usually followed by everyone suggesting the same names they suggested the last time the question was asked.
  18. I had this problem with my lab x springer. I solved it by only doing retrieves down a narrow footpath with fencing on either side for a few weeks. He got it eventually.
  19. I'm an estate gardener and I take my dog to work with me everyday. I actually asked my boss if it would be ok before I got the dog. He's got a bed in the mess room for when I'm doing jobs where he can't be with me.
  20. What's your thinking? Now it's illegal to hunt foxes with dogs are you considering hunting dogs with a pack of foxes?!
  21. It's the little victories that make day to day life worth living.
  22. It's all about Assassin's Creed: Revelations. MW3 can wait. That's not coming out at the same time is it? That's not fair!
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