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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. Mooch.

    fcuk off rspca

    Exactly, and the ironic thing is the more we complain about the RSPCA the more we'll see the adverts here! But better than that, the RSPCA will be paying Google to place their adds across the internet so the more adverts get placed the more money they have to pay and somehow I can't see them getting many donations from THL members. So in short- Bitch about the RSPCA and at the same time waste their money!
  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm getting the impression that feeding raw to a Gundog certainly won't do any harm to his controllability and will probably improve his overall health. I must clarify though that I don't see diet as an alternative to training but as another tool in the box i.e. a healthy, happy dog should be easier to train and more willing to work for/with me and I want to get it right. Thanks again for the informative replies.
  3. Good god no, chasing and killing is the last thing I want. I've always fed dry (Gilpa Valu Mix, 20% protien). Just wondered what the pros and cons where of feeding BARF to gundog breeds.
  4. Ta very much, that's answered my question. You learn something new on THL every..................... now and again!
  5. The earth and running dog boys (and girls) are always going on about how good the BARF diet is for their dogs. Some say it gives their dog more prey drive. My question is: Do you feed your gundog BARF? I've been feeding half BARF and half dry per meal this past week and I've certainly noticed a change in "output"(both quantity and smell!) but I'm already having trouble with my dogs' desire to chase and kill (always have, not due to change of diet) without making the problem worse.
  6. Can anyone tell me why foxes get called "Charlie" and "Reynard"? Especially "Reynard", I really don't get that one!
  7. Grab hold of a branch. If you scream in pain it's a blackthorn bush and therefore the fruit are sloes!
  8. "Cuddle a badger" car sticker - £5 Cost to taxpayer in failed prosecutions - £10,000s Getting caught breaking the law by your own surveilance equipment - Priceless!
  9. You forgot to mention boasting about it on THL. Their actions aren't just detrimental to the dogs but also do damage to the image of hunting with dogs at a time when every case of negative PR is another nail in the coffin of the sport.
  10. It was curved from side to side and it was affecting the way she stood and moved.
  11. Never mind. The poor thing couldn't even stand up this morning so I did the right thing. What suprised me was just how fast she deteriorated. 2 weeks ago she was fine and roosting on the highest perch. Yesterday she couldn't even jump onto a small log. Oh well, c'est la vie
  12. Welcome to the site. Like you say, if the dog won't be used for retrieving it might be best not to teach it how much fun it is. However, to get a dog to retrieve to hand I'd send the dog for the dummy. Once the dog reaches the dummy call it back then turn around and walk in the opposite direction. When the dog gets near call it into heel but keep walking. Then, while still walking,reach down and gently remove the dummy from your dogs mouth and then stop and give lots of praise. The next stage would be do all of the above but stop walking before taking the dummy and eventually don't wa
  13. At least you tried mate. It must have been hard work.
  14. One of my 2 year old hens has recently been looking very sorry for herself. Her wattles are almost white and she spends a lot of time just standing still. I've just picked her up and found she has no breast meat at all and her breast bone is curved like an elongated s. What's wrong? Would it be kinder to cull or is there something I can do to improve her health?
  15. It should be pinned at the top of every section.
  16. It's not my show, sorry. Just saw the advert and thought I'd spread the love.
  17. I can read posts and I can write posts. What more could I want? New style works for me.
  18. I know a dog handler who picks up with 5 labs, all at the same time! One of them is a chocolate and she works exactly the same as the 4 blacks. It's all down to individual temperament and training.
  19. Blan you are priceless! This is 21st century Britain, not the 18th century American frontier.
  20. Good on you mate, keep it up!
  21. so you would never need the police in your life,your capable of sorting everything out yourself allow me the right to bare arms and i'll be far more effective than the police force,not only in protecting myself and my family but also my community. And who would protect your community from you?
  22. The sign on the tills in Sainsburys always makes me smile - "In order to encourage reuse we have removed our carrier bags from display............ But if you need one just ask" So all they've done is move the bags to a little shelf! Go go Eco warriors!!
  23. I cant upload a new avatar from photobucket. The only option I'm given is to uplaod from my desktop but all my pictures are to big.
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