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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. Head Gardener on a big country estate and I love it (most of the time).
  2. It's always worth walking the roads round my way once the pheasants are out of the release pens.
  3. IP Board app. One click on my home screen and I'm on THL!
  4. 10 GCSEs, National Diploma in Horticulture, Higher National Diploma in Horticulture, NVQ2 (horticulture), NPTC spraying certificates PA1 and PA6a, NPTC chainsaw certificates for cross cutting and small felling. Got my Queen's Scout Award too which , although not a qualification, has made the difference at more than one job interview.
  5. Tape worm cysts can occur just about anywhere in a rabbit carcass ,3 weeks in a freezer kills them
  6. Feeding squirrel meat in BARF, any reasons not to? I understand that freezing meat for 3 weeks kills off parasites but are those parasites in the flesh or just the organs?
  7. Labradoodle, show strains of working breeds, fat labs, anything without a basic level of obedience.
  8. Mooch.

    just got a tv

    I daren't. My wife's sitting next to me!
  9. Mooch.

    just got a tv

    Never heard of her. Why is she a "celebrity"?
  10. Half a piriton tablet sorts my dog out for wasp stings. Nettles don't really bother him much. Might want a smaller dose for a pup though.
  11. And what was the outcome....???? obviously F@ck All cos the add is still their.... Well take it up with Google ('cos they're the ones who place the ads) and let us know how you get on. Personally I'm capable of resisting advertising so if the RSPCA want to waste their money asking for donations from people who hate them then that's their problem, not mine.
  12. FFS we've been through this 3 or 4 times in the past week already.
  13. Retriever, spaniel or HPR?
  14. Mooch.

    fcuk off rspca

    You didn't read the whole thread before responding did you.
  15. BUMP Fair enough, I've never been but people I know say it's very good so I'll give it a chance.
  16. Mooch.


    catchy! I was leaning towards................... "Pish"!!!!.... I couldn't think of anything to rhyme with Fcuktheban!
  17. I'm in the same situation as you. I found a book on amazon with some "recipes". Also try typing "barf calculator" into google.
  18. Mooch.


    They seek him here. They seek him there. Bogger seeks him everywhere. Is he in heaven? Or is he in hell? That damned elusive Fcuktheban!
  19. Good luck with it, you'll find it very different to terriers!
  20. Mooch.


    Why is there a Vodafone advert on the site? As an O2 customer I find it offensive.
  21. My labx faultlessly performed an eyeswipe at club training the other night. Good boy!

  22. I've seen shooters in France lined up beside the road shooting OVER it. None of this 50yds from the centre bolox.
  23. If there's one thing worse than stealing a dog it's stealing puppies before they are ready to leave their mother. Hope the cnuts get caught and what they deserve and the pups returned.
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