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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. I'd hardly call Welwyn Garden City growing up in the countryside. All that video proofs is that she is completely ignorant of what life is really like for our wildlife, "live in peace" HA! Still, I like the bit at the end where she admits that they're losing the argument.
  2. http://www.league.org.uk/news/1026/Staff-member-dismissed-for-gross-misconduct
  3. Wouldn't surprise me if the group had been started by antis as a trap.
  4. Good question! It has been suggested with springer or pointer...........or possibly even both! He's a complete mongrel out of a friends two barely obedience trained pets. I got the pick of the litter and I got him for free too.
  5. I whole-heartedly agree! Got any tips for getting him to shut up? He did start to quieten down as the day progressed. Never had a whiner myself but seen plenty and if that person gets another pup the pup turns into a bloody whiner. I'd imagine its just an excitment thing....i'd give it a clout on the nose with the lead everytime it done it, hopefully he will learn not to do it....... I put it down to excitement too especially as he was shaking with adrenaline as well. the "clout" was the method I employed! I think experience will prevail in correcting this annoying trait.
  6. I whole-heartedly agree! Got any tips for getting him to shut up? He did start to quieten down as the day progressed.
  7. Cheers guys. Max is progressing nicely. I believe there is only do much training you can do before you just have to take the plunge and get your dog on the real thing. Anyone who claims to have a perfectly behaved dog on it's first ever shoot is probably lying. Accidents happen, we learn from our mistakes and we move forward from there. I have nothing to gain from writing fiction. I did, however, forget to mention Max's constant whining during the drives but even that lessoned as the day wore on. I've also got him responding to the word "watch" as I point towards the guns to draw his atte
  8. Yesterday was our second day picking up on our local shoot. It's been two weeks since the last day which gave us sometime to work on one or two problems that were highlighted. Needless to say though that when presented with new people, dogs, guns and pheasants most of that training was instantly forgotten! Luckily though, as the day wore on, he settled down and began to understand the rules of the game. Drive 1 was shrouded in mist so how the guns hit anything I don't know. We had a few down near us but once the drive was over I decided to search for a runner I had seen disappearing in
  9. I don't fall into any of those categories, and I truly dislike Cats, but come on, cruelty is cruelty. Maybe so, but what will a video on youtube do about it? Sweet FA. I couldnt give a toss really. There will always be sadistic c**ts in all walks of like, probably the same people that will go onto commit horrible crimes. But crying about it on here wont change that, nor will £5 a month to the RSPCA wankers. FTB A video on YouTube got the cat-in-a-bin woman a £1,700 court fine.
  10. We've been "basic training" for about 3 years now but it's quite hard to replicate the busyness and excitement of a 100+ bird drive on my own with a few canvas dummies. If I had thought he was ready for a full role as a picking up dog then I would have had him off the lead and sent him to search for downed birds and my write up would have full of expletives (or I could have lied and said everything went perfectly). I consider going picking up part of his training. He's still very excitable and full of the joys of being alive but with time and perseverance he'll get used to all the people,
  11. I made a "renactment" longbow a few years ago. It was made of hickory and lemonwood.
  12. Looking forward to reading about their progress.
  13. Autopsy results are in! There was a long tear in the skin down the side of the neck and the neck was broken. No other signs of trauma other than plucking and left leg being eaten as seen in exhibit A.
  14. Red Kite maybe.. Quite possibly, we do get one or two pass through here every year. Could it be responsible for the crime though?
  15. No gulls but we do have sparrowhawks and plenty of buzzards. I don't know if the two are connected but I spotted a mystery BOP earlier in the day not far from the scene of the crime. It was a reddish brown colour, wing shape similar to a kestrel but easily twice as large.
  16. The victim: a first year hen pheasant. In an open area. The body was still warm. Another, clean, pheasant carcass lay nearby. No sign of the murderer. Who dunnit?
  17. 1. Download Photobucket app 2. Set up Photobucket account 3. Upload photos from iPhone to Photobucket 4. Open photo information 5. Copy one of the file links (I use the img number) 6. Open THL and paste link into your post 7. Sit back and bask in the praise for your photographic prowess!
  18. Why should the yellow lab owner discard his dog? It'll just need it's confidence building with training. That may even have been it's first ever attempt at a water retrieve especially one further out than it's master can throw a dummy. We've got all colours of lab on our local shoot and they all work as well as each other. To Stevie_87, well done mate, that must have been some moment.
  19. Mooch.


    agree mate it was the same with the sparrowhawk 70`s early `s they were as rare as hens teeth around here, now there as common as starlings. Which is ironic because as sparrowhawk numbers have increased so populations of small bird species have crashed. Like has been said, there are shed loads of badgers local to me but I haven't once seen a hedgehog in the 8 years I've been living here but I've seen more badgers than in my whole life previous. Don't think spars are to blame mate they kill for food magpies kill for fun and there's a lot more of them than sparrow hawks even the go
  20. Blimey, the police are getting lazy!
  21. Mooch.


    agree mate it was the same with the sparrowhawk 70`s early `s they were as rare as hens teeth around here, now there as common as starlings. Which is ironic because as sparrowhawk numbers have increased so populations of small bird species have crashed. Like has been said, there are shed loads of badgers local to me but I haven't once seen a hedgehog in the 8 years I've been living here but I've seen more badgers than in my whole life previous.
  22. Strange, I seem to have stumbled onto an anti forum.
  23. Cheers guys. Our next shoot won't be for a fortnight due to a work commitment but when we do next go picking up Max'll be getting a few more retrieves circumstances permitting. He's a fast learner and very keen but this is his (and my) first season so we're taking it slowly. The partridge on drive 3 was a bit of a gamble but it definatly paid off so the outlook is good.
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