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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. Mooch.


    Let me know how you get on.
  2. I had this same problem very early on. Max would mark and retrieve beautifully but then run around me in circles at top speed with the dummy in his mouth! I found the best way to stop it was to restrict his choices. We did ALL our retrieve training on a 4ft wide footpath with stock fencing either side every day for about 2 weeks. If your dog still stops out of reach then you need to turn around and call it into heel. Try not to turn around to check if its following just keep walking and calling "heel". Once the dog is walking beside you gently take the dummy from it's mouth and then praise
  3. Mooch.


    My dog used to do that. I was shown two methods for stopping it. First is to turn around and walk away just as the dog gets back to you and call the dog into heel. After a few paces keep walking but bend down and take the dummy from her mouth and say "dead", then heap the praise on her. The second was to let the dog come in but when she drops it say nothing (i.e. no praise) but calmly pick the dummy up and gently but firmly put it back in her mouth with the command "hold". Now while she's holding it and sitting gently stroke her chest repeating "hold" and "good girl". When you want her to
  4. Mooch.


    How far away from you is she when she drops the dummy? Is she dropping it and gone back to hunting? Is she dropping it and then standing over it, or is he dropping it at your feet?
  5. How did you guess? That's exactly what they're saying.
  6. If you will use the dog solely for falconry then I'm assuming that the ability to retrieve isn't important in which case I'd say English Pointer would be most suitable.
  7. Woohoo! Got a Child under 5, show me the money!
  8. Mooch.


    Stoats are stoately different and weasels are weaserly recognisable
  9. Mooch.


    Are you sure it's not a weasel?
  10. You could try using a long lead. Throw the dummy in range and when the dog picks it up call it to you and give the lead a jerk. If a jerk's not enough reel the dog in but keep praising as it comes towards you. The dog should get the message eventually. Basically at the moment your dog sees hunting as far more rewarding than bringing the dummy back to you. You need to change it's mind.
  11. I used to feed grapes as the veg portion of my dogs barf diet with no I'll effects what so ever...... ..... but when I found out they COULD cause kidney failure I stopped. Better safe than sorry.
  12. I like to have a gander at the lacs twitter feed. The antis are spitting bricks about countryfile tonight!
  13. But those are the people we need to get the message across to. The majority of those who watch will actually be anti in principle simply because they don't really understand the issue ( as opposed to the hardcore bile spitting lacs member) . If Cameron can put the pro argument across in such a way that Joe Public says "You know what, hunting with hounds isn't as bad as the Daily Mail says it is." then we should be supporting him.
  14. I feed pure raw. I like feeding pure raw, my dog likes eating pure raw. My dog looks great and he's full of energy. You can use science to prove whatever you want it to prove but I prefer first hand experience.
  15. I know someone who has Teckel. He uses it for tracking shot deer.
  16. A perfectly normal everyday country scene. I met this group this morning. They were on their way to a picnic.
  17. Good work Sounds like getting rid of Bailley was defenetly the right move.
  18. Presuming the report is quoting the most controversial part of the post I can't see how it would give the police anything to go on. There's no mention of quarry or even whether they accidentally caught anything. It just says that once the police had gone it didn't take the hounds long to get back on the dragged trail and everyone enjoyed themselves. It's just another case of antis waisting police time and taxpayers money in an effort to up hold a failed law. It does however highlight that they ARE watching YOU, and they are prepared to trawl through years of forum posts for a faint whiff
  19. http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/is-internet-post-evidence-of-illegal-hunts-in-cumbria-1.913219?referrerPath=news
  20. Good write ups mate. It must feel great hunting without the shadow of the hunting ban hanging over you.
  21. Monty Python were genius but they did miss the mark sometimes (imo). I've tried watching stuff like The Royale Family and Shameless but I can't see why they are even classed as comedy let alone win awards.
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