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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. Because your pizza wasn't made in the far east by 50p an hour labour but your phone was.
  2. My wife was watching that even before our son was born!
  3. If hares are in sufficient numbers to cause significant crop damage then landowners are perfectly within rights to manage the population. It's also quite difficult to eat a hare that isn't dead. Coursing with dogs is illegal, shooting them is not.
  4. Do you go to a group training class? The one I go to allows the dogs close enough to each other for a quick sniff but that's it, no playing. The dogs soon learn the boundaries. Also a long training lead may help keep him under your control until he learns what is and what isn't acceptable behaviour.
  5. I wondered where I left that!
  6. "Hi, I'm new to the site. Let's see pictures of you doing something illegal." "Why are there adverts for the RSPCA on the site?" "I'm not particularly fond of Muslims" "Where's my topic about hare coursing gone?/The mods are dictators."
  7. Me and the wife stated in a motel near Birmingham once that sounds similar. We nicknamed it the Bates' Motel. I demand more Chimp write-ups!
  8. Muslims are different from us. What should I feed my dog? Dog for sale 100% worker.
  9. Your persistence will pay off. I had many of the same problems you experienced (all my own fault as well!) but we've just had our first season picking up. We had many mishaps but nothing that'll prevent us going again next season. If you put the time in the dog will come good. I really do think people who write of a dog are just lazy and for a trainer to advise getting rid is worse.
  10. Brilliant piece if kit. I always brown meat in the frying pan first but never add onions, they make everything taste disgusting. Just fry em up and add em at the end.
  11. Give the magazine a call they'll have it in archive.
  12. Ooh, just read this...sounds good...I'll check it out. Homebase's own brand? I can't remember which brand it was but it was pre-mixed and in a yellow bottle with a no-frills label. The % glyphosate should be printed on the front somewhere, probably very small!
  13. It doesn't matter what the brand name is as long as the chemical within is glyphosate. I bought some in Homebase a couple of years ago and their cheapest bottle was half the price per litre than Roundup yet had the same strength of glyphosate and worked just as well. Read the label.
  14. Now you're straying into fair and unfair competition. Of course a lurcher will beat a lab in a straight forward dash and retrieve but is that fair competition? No, of course not. I think lurchers should be banned from Gundog scurries, they've got their own races. Entering a lurcher against regular gundogs is like entering a F1 car into a go-kart race, everyone knows who'll win and no one enjoys it except for one smug b*stard. Very un-sporting.
  15. Don't start this again, we've nearly put this matter to bed!! There's several miles of difference between a gundog field trial and a pet dog scurry. You don't see many FTChs competing in scurrys.
  16. Yes, wait for the new shoots to emerge then spray. It'll require more than one application though because some of the roots will be deeper than others and the shoots will take longer to break the surface.
  17. It mostly comes down to training and what you want the dog to do. Like I said, lurchers are bred predominantly for speed and that speed would be wasted on a shoot where the sport is to shoot the game, not course it. If I were to partake in a bit if rough shooting, a bit of ferreting and a bit if lamping I'd get a lurcher, but I dont. I pick up on a 300-400 birds-a-day driven shoot so I'll stick to labs for now.
  18. Skin a mouse, turn fur inside out, et voila!
  19. I know this joke but read it through anyway. The old ones are the best!
  20. I just remove the back legs, there's not much meat anywhere else anyway. I skin the legs on the squirrel, cut through the hip joint and pull the feet off with pliers to remove the tendons. I've always thought they'd be good covered in breadcrumbs like KFC! (not got round to trying it yet though).
  21. No. I thought that was the case, pretty much eliminates the chances of a lurcher or any cross for that matter besting a purpose bred gundog. Now this I defenetly agree with! I heard that the KC used to let crosses run but that one dog (a cross) won everything and that pissed off all the pure breed handlers!
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