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Everything posted by Mooch.

  1. Stolen from boarding kennels while owners doing charity work in Africa. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=55745#.UgXoGKa9LCQ
  2. Because they're fashionable and Kate Middleton (that was) has got one.
  3. I'm working on photos. I'm having a problem getting them from my phones photo album to photobucket! At this age I'm not training as such. Just house training, teaching her her name and a few manners. Proper training will start in about 4 months time.
  4. I did. Very pleased with her. She's a natural retriever, just now encouraging her to hunt.
  5. I wouldn't say I'm an expert but I'd say that wasn't the best advice to be honest mate. As has been said if the breeding is there it will hunt. But trying to reign in a dog that has started hunting without proper control and training and is hunting for itself is not easy. A lot of folk ruin spaniels entering them to game too easy.I don't intend to get into an argument about it. What I wrote is the abridged version of a 2 minute conversation I had with a professional full-time working spaniel trainer about a month ago. He did only say to encourage it to hunt. There was no mention of entering it
  6. I pick up my first ESS tomorrow. Local spaniel trainer told me to get it hunting because its easier to reign in a hunting dog than get a sticky dog to hunt.
  7. All depends what work it's doing. On my shoot its 90% labs.
  8. Slash and burn. Give it time to start re growing then hit it with glyphosate. Another couple of weeks and you can start preparing to seed.
  9. Yes Minister/Prime Minister, Dad's Army, Allo Allo, Carry On films, Father Ted. Never really got on with Only Fools & Horses.
  10. I agree with the in a case and not loaded advice but I'll add that when I bought my rifle the gunshop owner insisted that the magazine be emptied of pellets before I left the shop. Apparently, even if the magazine is not in the gun, if there are pellets in the magazine the gun is still technically loaded.
  11. And there was me thinking I was doing a great job of keeping them in check!
  12. I made one on a weekend course years ago. Lemon wood/hickory with buffalo horn notches. It's in the loft, never shot it and no idea of its draw weight!
  13. I do. I've trained him to sit when I click my fingers to keep disturbance to a minimum and he often spots squirrels in trees before I do. Sometimes he's a liability but I can't leave home without him!
  14. Mooch.


    They sell guns in Sainsbury's now?
  15. Be patient. I'm guessing 99% of members don't know anyone with a rabbit pen in Cheshire. What would you rather do, wait a few days for one helpful reply or instantly have to trawl through 40+ posts saying "sorry, can't help"? I hope your not expecting instant results from dog training either. Luckily for you I do know someone near Chester with a rabbit pen. http://www.cheshirecanineservices.co.uk/
  16. Does anybody have any experience of working/training this breed?
  17. could always try a wanted advert in the wanted section rather than craft and diy seems to me like you have an alternative agenda An alternative agenda? What possible alternative agenda could I have? Cheers Midnight but I was on my phone and can't jump forward more than one page at a time. When I've got the computer wound up I'll have a proper read through. Do you have your own website or do you only trade through the forum? .....alternative agenda!
  18. Oh I see. So now I've got 35 pages of posts to read through, that's this afternoons work schedule out the window!
  19. So now knives aren't allowed to be offered for sale in this section which section ARE they being offered in? I can't find any on the "for sale" board. There used to be a lot offered for sale here, can they not have their own dedicated sub-board?
  20. Their laws and attitudes are a bit different to ours! Leg hold traps, drowning beavers and hoping caught animals freeze to death! I love this programme but I'm not sure I 100% agree with their methods. On the other hand I'd love to give it a go for a season!!
  21. Yes, brilliant. Make sure you follow the instructions on how to hold it correctly (they give quite a kick) and wear hearing protection. I lost my hearing for a couple of minutes and bruised my hip the first time I fired mine!
  22. There's loads of them on Twitter. Bunch of nutters the lot of 'em. Here's another looney: @jakeaknight
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