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Everything posted by Jonophilpott

  1. if its got 4 legs a looks similar to a fox wouldnt you?? I wouldnt deem that dangerous at all. Im sure the "Poacher" would be the first to moan that someones shot there dog.
  2. Where i shoot there are 3 of us that have permission on a 600 acre farm. 1 of us being RFD therfor there is a wide variety of firearms from Airgun, Rimfire and CentreFire (Alot of Gun Testing and Reviews done also)... one of us uses Nightvision on the farm a few nights a week and rang today questioning had us other two been out at which we replied no. He had spotted random people walking and also people with lamps etc... Dont think people realise the hidden dangers between (Nightvision)Scopes and bright light! Blind For Life! At 200-300 Yards with the CentreFire and Nightvision who knows
  3. Alright mate did you get my reply?

  4. PS3 and £20 Your Way??
  5. Best Day out i think... Although wish we got a pic when we had finished the hole and my mate was down there grabbing the ferret i had to hold his feet it ended up about 6 foot! After this Massive Dig we just Forgot about the nets and put the ferrets down small earths and i stood the waiting with the 12g trying to hit them in mid air was fun
  6. How do you know when there in? Do they drag a trail of bloody fanny stuff around with them??
  7. Youll be lucky to get all of them in one hit. I put down .17hmr and .22lr and they only gave me the option for one. I then went on to ask can i have FAC Air instead and they also said no
  8. So if i fire a firearm and it injures somebody on the highway and im 60 feet away then im not doing anything wrong :/
  9. Whats the life like on this? Obviously i like to dismantle my Shotgun after every use and clean and wouldnt want it peeling off etc. Thanks Jono
  10. It is the A2 Which Runs from Dover all the way up to the M2 so a fairly busy road although common sense already says to me that im shooting downhill into a dip about 20 below the road surface but suppose they have to cover there own arse! He said to me the words "Are you aware of the 50 feet from the highway rule" obviously i nodded and agreed :/
  11. Strange ive got two 10 acre paddocks which are flat nothing was said :/ I got the condition of no shooting with 50 feet of the highway.
  12. I am interested although wouldnt be able to pick it up. Whats the range on this one? Is it the Mk 3? Thankyou
  13. Swap for PS3 and Accesories? Im from Folkestone.
  14. If it falls through i will take it please
  15. Sorry to go off topic a little but any idea in which the power of my bsa meteor would be sufficient to what distance providing my skills are up to it?? Anybody want to take up the daunting task and help explain to me Holdover etc too Thankyou Please
  16. Nice pic! As per what you have said ive seen a pic lately where theres a fox been shot with a 22-250 and its belly is hanging out and blood everywhere yet nothing was said about that :/ (this is not a dig at the guy who shot it) Its not like your making a gimic out of them afterall there Vermin, Ive done this befor now. Nailed them to a fence post to skin and gut in the field. and took a pic. Each to there own!
  17. Or just find yourself some small earths in some woods or something that way theres normally only 5-6 holes (Dont forget the bolt hole) When we find small used earths we just put them down there worst thats going to happen is the ferrett may come out of a run 10 yards away which youve overlooked and not covered.
  18. Sam where abouts are you? Are you on airgunbbs?? My mates Dad is a RFD hes one of the mods on there PM me with your reply as i may loose this thread.
  19. Hahaha made me chuckle! FAO Ferretman89 ... Whats the breeding of your ferret i love the black fur which almost seems invisible at certain angles and you can see the white underneath Beautiful! Thanks Jono
  20. Yeah its fine... I rent a house so cant remove skirting so i sat my cabinet on a tin of Quality Street and its been checked and cleared.
  21. Semi-auto arent all that bad you just have to find the right ammo for your gun as some may catch on the casing when being pushed into barrel or some may pull to left or push to the right a little etc but its just trying all the different types and finding the one for the gun. Sorry guys buts there no point getting irate on here on each others opinions... In my opinion i look at it as a sport/challenge zero in at 60 with no adjustment and do your best! Therefor it doesnt matter which one you go for unless your bothered about distance or noise
  22. Really dont worry about it like has been said its a case of listening to be honest. When our FLO came to visit me about my SGC i was pooopin myself as i was only 18 but he asked me a few questions and i dont think i answered one correctly and he just told me the answers and explained why etc. etc. For example i remember he asked me: When rough shooting how should you carry the gun whilst walking around... also.. What should i look for when stepping up the the stand at a clay pigeon shoot. I.e. Make sure the person befor you clears up after themselves and so on! Since then
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