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Everything posted by Andy9816

  1. I will be out "door knocking" later today, and tomorrow in the South Yorkshire area. As many have commented, farmers and land owners wont come looking for us!!!! It has to be worth a few gallons of diesel in my van to find a decent permission. Andy
  2. Thanks for the welcome guys, Im looking forward to being an active member of the forum. Andy.
  3. Im in Swinton mate, not far from you really. I also spend a fair bit of time fishing the lakes on the Wentworth Estate. Andy.
  4. Hiya guys, I have just joined the forum, but Im not new to hunting "per see" I have just finished a 23 year career in the Army, and have returned to my native South Yorkshire, after living in Germany for the last 8 years. I am the proud owner of a new R-10, having used springers since my teens. I still own a 20 odd year old HW80!!! Just need to find somewhere to shoot!!! Im looking forward to the debates and info exchanges. Andy.
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