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About Patterbull

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 12/01/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    bristol uk

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  1. Hi all just thought id show u my new arrivals there saluki bull greyhound whippet some great marking and colours
  2. Not sure mate just came out of the blue , she's hasn't came in season since Iv had her so I don't know if she's comin in and that has caused it
  3. Just a update she seems 100 % better today gave her some full fat milk and few eggs last night and bit of heat lamp and she's fine today , happy about her now tho had me worried , Thanks for replys
  4. Hi all the last day or so my bitch isn't her self , she seems tired and like she's been on a long hard run , she's hasn't been doing nothing game for a few weeks just a road walk so I don't think anything could be from it, she's 16 months and hasn't come into season yet , she's eating and drinking and s**ting fine , she's really struggling to walk properly tho so just need any suggestions before taking her to vets , thanks
  5. Take him running as well it all comes as a package
  6. Hi people I'm after a pup to go with my other terriers , looking for patterdale or maybe Lakeland Russel willing to pay good money to the good hands needs to be 100% working lines . Cheers
  7. My mates got a greyhound / deer/ bed/ whippet good little dog
  8. This ruebin il be able to find one for u mate
  9. I want them as all rounders really not overly big , Im thinking saluki /gh from alot of comments I know to much saluki can be hassle but its a hit or miss , as for bull I don't really wanna bring that in I have a bull whippet grey all ready and she's not really my type of dog has any one here got a saluki/grey?
  10. Hi lads got a dh/gh/collie, want to breed her this year but not to anything , was thinking about introducing saluki to the lines ,any suggestions Thanks
  11. I'm planning on doing concrete shed then 2 runs on the side also concrete with mesh front
  12. Hi people doing a new set of concrete kennels next month, could u post some pics of Ur kennel needs some ideas , Cheers lads
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