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long dog

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Everything posted by long dog

  1. i want lucas to win but i have herd bulldozer is a freak of a dog. ATB long dog
  2. mine is 19" 1/2 now hows yours hansome dog about the same fella coming on well with the training house trained from day one can,t be bad . ATB long dog
  3. poshpikey a few pics of the pup not the best pics he won't keep still lol ATB long dog
  4. i had that [bANNED TEXT] i brought one of my bitchs in and he settled straight away my [bANNED TEXT] did the same in the kennel and put the heat lamp on. ATB long dog
  5. very nice [bANNED TEXT] ill put a photo up soon of his black brother. ATB long dog
  6. looks like some nice dogs them lads had cream one looks like buddy off spring. ATB long dog
  7. read his section in the passion for coursing book he no,s his stuff top bloke ATB long dog
  8. chalkies coursing song on youtube you won,t be disappointed. atb long dog
  9. found this in the archives don,t no if this is right you guys mite be able to fill the gaps 1997 = SNIPER. Runner Up = Nancy 1998 = DANCER. Runner Up = Foxy 1999 = ROXY. Runner Up = Beauty 2000 = BLONDIE. Runner Up's = Masie, Red, Peggy, Lassie, Elsie 2001 = LUCKY/FETTLE 2002 = JJ 2003 = (No Competition) 2004 = TINA. Runner Up SPLODGE 2005 = PICK. Runner Up SPLODGE and LASSIE There was also the Forley Legends 2002 = SNOWY 2003 = LOWLA 2004 = SPLODGE many thanks longdog
  10. hi [bANNED TEXT] hows them pups going just got a other pup to bring up as well as yours il send you a pm. atb long dog
  11. hello there, i just wanted to know if any one could tell me the forley cup winners and some of the runners up. as far back as possible and up to date! thanks long dog
  12. poshpikey fair play [bANNED TEXT] you did a wonderful job on bringing those pups up my [bANNED TEXT] and i are very happy good luck on finding the last pup a good home you should have no problem hope to catch up with you soon fella. ATB long dog
  13. shame good bitch. ATB long dog
  14. fair play fella you done a good job the bitch i have jamie seems to think it have thrown back to stella i agree as well has the same running style and is doing realy well down south going to arrange to travel further a field to trial her proper i have kept in touch with a couple of her sisters is stella still alive [bANNED TEXT]. ATB long dog
  15. i use one fella and I lamp aprox 4 hrs only lose 1 of the green lights on there web site they say aprox 2.5hrs with a 100w bulb and 4 hrs with a 50 watt but that is with the lamp on consentley i would say you would be ok. hope this helps long dog
  16. 18 months old [bANNED TEXT] got her off a fella called toby from port mouth area i am from bristol area. ATB longdog
  17. richie10 yes your are right fella the pups from her is doing really well one died in a freek accident tho . ATB long dog
  18. i no what you mean i had all my bad luck early this year when i had two of my dogs hit by a car when out mooching its all turn round for me now dogs back fit doing what they do best. ATB long dog
  19. shaunpowell could well be the bitch i have here is from them lines the sire was zack but the bitch i have has thrown to stella side . do you no the sire to your dog. atb long dog
  20. do you mean jd ghost line i have a bitch here. atb long dog
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