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long dog

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Everything posted by long dog

  1. there is but the side affects can bugger them up ,spoke to my vet about that .
  2. they can only get fat if you let them, control the food and exercise and there should be no problem with weight gain that what i thought paulus better to have a full session under her belt than 3 months as i use her mainly for lamping and it doing my nuts in with the other male dogs. ATB longdog
  3. i have a bitch thats comes in session every 6 months thats a real pain because she brakes down for 3 months afterwords she just come in i am thinking on getter her spaded but concerned on her putting on wait after words it hard anoth at the moment to get her conditioned be causes of this and i don't want to breed from her i would rather buy a pup in. just wondering how they get on working after words of being spaded or should i just put up with it . many thanks Longdog
  4. duke you are right the dog did have a injury the lad was suppose to seek advice from a bone man weather he did god nose. ATB long dog
  5. pp thats spot on for him i see the farmers not wasting time putting the fields back its the same round here soon as the crops are down they are getting ready to drill. ATB long dog
  6. pp fancy walkout with the pups tomorrow night mate. ATB long dog
  7. fens you are right but got pulled over by the police on the push bike the other day he seid i was not in control of the dog and he recon it was crawl also if the dog got frighten by something it could of took me off ,right w@@ker of a copper. ATB long dog
  8. cheeper option but they are not motor powered and have speedo ect used to have a greyhound one years ago i regret selling it now. ATB long gog
  9. ones i have looked at are around 900 pound new might worth a bid. ATB long dog
  10. been looking on ebay there is a second had tread mill for sale ,do you guys no how much a brand you tread mill is worth it going for 350 wonder if this seems a good deal. ATB long dog
  11. I like to see that swaino well trained dog... can you come and teach mine to retrieve Lol. It was bad enough with this one! well done fella hes coming on great. ATB rich
  12. very nice pollock and macke looks very nice there rooster looks like he's enjoying his self . ATB rich
  13. one more have you got any pics of your set up interested in trying it my self how do you find the picture quality . ATB long dog
  14. marcus told me today the only pups he as got at the min,are 10months I don't think pp even knows Marcus or mp was going to buy his pups.... not taking nothing away from these pups but when I spoke to him on phone he said mp was having 2 then said he had his own litter if he had a litter on nearly the same age, why would he order 2 of these when he keeps a lot of what he breeds??? I honestly think it was all part of his pp sales pitch... just my opinion you hit the nail on the head
  15. being copyed pal il send it up to you.ATB long dog why not buy a copy like everyone else? who you buying it of pal no one should be selling my dvds I am mate sure bigliks asked people not to copy them when they ordered them... dirty tricks you pay your money and you can do what you want with it , it not like i am making money from the dvd just coped a few for friends if i wanted to make money would of sold a few of mine lol
  16. being copyed pal il send it up to you. ATB long dog
  17. swaino hes coming on nice good luck pal.ATB long dog Hes getting there mate. They all are by the looks of the pics very true mate its nice to see most of them coming on well it will be even better when they are working late winter what the different styles of running don't no what happened to ciderbods one . ATB long dog
  18. swaino hes coming on nice good luck pal. ATB long dog
  19. spit image of pp mate nice condition atb long dog
  20. Thanks pp had a great walk out its going to be nice to see the pups progress over the next couple of years ATB long dog
  21. hi mate do you have any sandy colour ones going could come up with sky to meet you. ATB long dog
  22. still got some knuckel left rich month old that photo mate hope he don't go over 26
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