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Everything posted by shabadoodoo

  1. How can you tell the difference between mk1 and mk2? Atb Shaba
  2. You gonna have a lot of kits, they all need seperated mate
  3. Do you have to double knot or just the single knot will do? Atb Shaba
  4. Just wondering what you guys prefer hemp spun poly or nylon
  5. I normally keep them in together 2-3 days
  6. How do you put the twine on to it??? I've looked for a video of it but can't find one
  7. You should of thought about that before getting the Jill's
  8. That's what we do we just go there to take dogs out and catch what's sitting about, we also do the stone walls aswel
  9. Is the farmer wanting rid of them
  10. This is the best offer ive seen posted on thl
  11. Thats where i have bought all my net making materials from should get them tomorrow, so spun poly ok for long net then
  12. Seperate them mate, better to be safe than sorry
  13. Is spun poly to heavy for long nets??? Im just learning how to make me own nets and there is plenty time before the season starts so gonna try and make me own long bet
  14. Not many people ferret this time of year, you will have to wait till next season
  15. I'll by the loomis needle and the traditional one see what happens, I'm only doing it to fill in some time over the spring/summer season, I've got over 100+ purse nets, just would like a try myself and see my nets work when I'm out
  16. What size should I get??? Im only making purse nets to practice then gonna make a long net when I can do it
  17. I was looking at them on agouti website and it says on there they are popular but woul rather hear off a few people first
  18. Im gonna start making me own nets over the spring and summer, I am getting spun poly rings etc just wondering what is the best and easiest needle to use, all the best Shaba
  19. A another Jill be fine, ask someone to borrow u one and see what they like, I would go fOr the mk3m
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