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Everything posted by fidodido

  1. Well, i really like big game. We spend Oct to Dec bowhunting for whitetail deer. First week of Nov is our annual shotgun hunt for deer. This is a lot of fun. All the neighbours, about a dozen of us get together and chase the deer all week. We usually get 15 to 20 in that time. It's basically a cull to try and cut the numbers down. August is Bear hunting time. Me and my youngest boy prefer our 12ga for this. My oldest boy uses his .270. We do a little bit of rabbit hunting after deer season but the snow usally gets too deep by Feb. There's plenty of ducks and geese but we don't hunt
  2. lol wats a fal lol :wacko: http://www.cookingindex.com/recipes/76520/chicken-phal.htm cherrs for that pal :thumbs:
  3. got a 29 `` tts dog 1oo percent worker never jacked blew out after hard nihgt yes but never jacked an seen more tackle than most
  4. most bull xs in donny area are outta reeces stuff an most are black not all though ther are other breeders i admittop stuff tho :thumbs:
  5. hi pal give us an in sight to wat you hunt in canada
  6. Pretty cuntish thing to say don't you think? FTB ooops sorry brain art a gear :sorry:
  7. must have been an old earth pal jo other explanation for it fuk that al stick to dran art rabbit earths lol
  8. been a wank season barely 30 kills on big tackle motors let me down time and time again new 1 for next season or may be 2 hope to do a lot better and travel farer to bag up y.i.s
  9. hiya pal welcome i do alot round hull mite see you sum day or night atb fido
  10. helo mate any chance of lettin me come down and bolt some foxs for you to shoot i`m at south yorkshire and a responsible terrier worker yis fido
  11. if you do you`l know who a` r is and j` w is hope your not a r and readin this lol lol an if u know em is there anychance of gettin me a day out wi em pal could do with gettin me self fit first tho from wat ive herd lolk lol Your quite desprate to go out with the pennine arnt you. not sure how JW invites you out but then AR says no have you been upsetting someone or just not liked by AR ???? cant av upset em barely know em mate told me he went with em last season but havent seen him since penine show or he would`ve got me out with them wouldnt say am desperate just would like to
  12. awesome catch dogs dhxgh but seen em jack tho with numbers game then again seen plenty of bullx`s jack aswell mate supose you gotta take rough with smooth lol aintya good and bad in all crosses but a game un al take em even if its a lot slower just because it wants them imho pal
  13. jail lol lol. why? he lives in n ireland, r u lot on here jealous? why slate him for his topic? thats all i see on here is dont do this dont do that. thats what makes me lol, all you lot too trashed to talk, but then reckon you know everything, whats worst that can happen? common sense someone mentioned, well have some sense and answer the topic, or dont post at all, waste of pixel space, nearly every topic i reads on here gets hijacked by people talking shit and silly emoticons. why not just put pics up, talk how you want, its bad enough its banned for real let alone talking about
  14. ile second that pal oh and by the way have you eradicated all the foxs at clipstone lol lol cuoldnt find 1 other day lol atb fido I think you have the wrong man fido. sorry mate must be 2 1 of em does a bit near mansfield soz pal
  15. not that they cantkill sh its that they cant catch em sh and the faster they are the less game specialy when talking big numbers
  16. jail lol lol. why? he lives in n ireland, r u lot on here jealous? why slate him for his topic? thats all i see on here is dont do this dont do that. thats what makes me lol, all you lot too trashed to talk, but then reckon you know everything, whats worst that can happen? common sense someone mentioned, well have some sense and answer the topic, or dont post at all, waste of pixel space, nearly every topic i reads on here gets hijacked by people talking shit and silly emoticons. why not just put pics up, talk how you want, its bad enough its banned for real let alone talking about
  17. tell me wer an ile assure you there waint be as many ther next time you go lamping lol lol lol lol haha im sure your right mate, but our dogs dont like sharing you forgot to say pre ba n of course lol
  18. that last reply didnt come out right dido didnt say that its a question from me cheers :thumbs: new to this sh`t sorry
  19. s an yet they ignor it an then you wonder on your dogs marking ability an try get em in settes they wana ignore
  20. if you do you`l know who a` r is and j` w is hope your not a r and readin this lol lol an if u know em is there anychance of gettin me a day out wi em pal could do with gettin me self fit first tho from wat ive herd lolk lol
  21. well vin if your a rabbit hunter why not tell me were then ill do the foxs then ther`l be more fabbits for you lol :thumbs:
  22. ile second that pal oh and by the way have you eradicated all the foxs at clipstone lol lol cuoldnt find 1 other day lol atb fido
  23. seen some too big to get to ground drawin only dogs the ones ive seen atb fido :thumbs:
  24. i went looking for fox other nite dint see a single 1 must be beetter hunters and dogs were i live like to know were all :search: these people are seeing all these foxs cause ive got the tools to knock em back a bit and giv e all other stuff they prey on a chance so come on lets see if your [bANNED TEXT] cos ay 1 bit i took over a ton a season now am struglin to get 30 but its a bit on top http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbs.gifthese days lol lol you must not be trying hardenough with it being ON TOP lol hey ryeuken dint know you had a beddie x
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