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charlotte hill

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Everything posted by charlotte hill

  1. I can honestly say, In 29 years on this earth, I have only had 1 easter egg that I can remember Can we all club together and get me one!!!!
  2. Think we should all get Foxgun Tom to do a video, I want to see the beak opening and tongue poking out
  3. I'm still lost.....what about you Martin
  4. charlotte hill


    Can I be cheeky and ask what your name was on Ebay?? I just brought a Hunting DVD, paid etc.....then noticed the member had been removed!!! I emailed the guy as lucky enough I kept his email addy, it is still being posted. Why have a hunting section on there if they are going to do things like this???
  5. Tut Tut What was that said about Women being melodramatic????? Good job it was not a dog!! It would have been much worse Glad shes on her way back to full health.
  6. Ouch!!Looks painfull!!!Glad shes sorted now.
  7. Clarkson does it again......... But my fave is Hammy :tongue4: :tongue4: :tongue4: :tongue4:
  8. :welcomeani: Enjoy the site
  9. Oh My God!!!!! There is a section on there for people who want to top themselves because they are addicted to porn
  10. Me too.......Do you believe in GOD!!!!!
  11. Just logged on to THL this morning, I dont normally take much notice of the ads by google at the top of THL homepage, but this one caught me eye Surely someones taking the Now guys and girls.....I know things can get a bit heated on this site sometimes, but if you ever wonder why you bother going on, please see link below http://www.godtest.com/ I was wetting myself, is this for real???????
  12. Your bedside manner needs improving!!!!!
  13. I was thinking about that little girl this morning but didnt want to say anything as coudnt remember the litte lasses dads name to mention it , but that is a good one as well and would be absolutly fine by me Are you thinking of Courtney ? The girl that we raised money for last year on Hardcore Hunting ? The dad's name was Charlie on there. No its Ella, Top Chalkers young daughter. So how about Lurcherbitches rescue and a charity named by Top Chalker...perhaps the unit Ellie is treated at, it is a cancer unit so related to LG's illness? MOLL. :thumbs-up: :th
  14. A difficult one.....If LG'S widdow had suggested a charity I would have stood by that, no matter what my personal opinion of that charity was. But with no lead at all it's going to be tricky for all donator's to agree with a Hunting/Dog fund to donate too. I am happy to leave my money in as a donation to LG'S fund providing it now goes to a charity I am happy with...... The Lurcherbitch idea is a good one as I know she does good work, and as stated LG was a lurcher person. Also, some kind of cancer charity could be looked into, hospices etc......and if enough donations were ma
  15. One Of Us has been lost. To us and his Family at home. Now let's show what we're Really all about. Ian has agreed to the idea mooted by Dave2363. We now have a PayPal address to Pour it into. I've just this minute got word from Ian and have lined the pot. Now let's FILL IT! This guy's left a widow. He can't 'Lamp and Gather' for her any more. So let's Us show her the kind of people we are. The kind of person He was. Hunters Unite! Let's give one of our own a Real Hunters Send Off! Here here Ditch!!!! Everyone should dig deep for this cause!!!!! Instead of your pint at the
  16. Such tragic news, my thought's are with his wife and family R.I.P Lamper Gatherer im in for that Dale Me too!! Just read through this thread in full, and took a look back at L/G old posts.......So tragic that this has happened I would like to also add that my thoughts are with his faithful dog/s too, they will be pining so much for their master so much!!!!..........
  17. :welcomeani: To you both!!! Hope you enjoy the site!!
  18. I was always taught, for any hair loss/skin irritations...........put on some good old Calamine Lotion!!!!!! It really does work!!!!!! (or it has done for me and many other people) My Dad used in on his Terriers when he was a boy.........for about £1 from the local chemist, its worth a go!!!!
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