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charlotte hill

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Everything posted by charlotte hill

  1. Especially if your a zebra
  2. Wild animals are just that.........Wild!!!! The bloke bloody well deserved it!! I know that sounds harsh but what the hell was he doing in a cage with a Lion anyway. Poor Lion!!
  3. It's a nice car, I do prefer the Ferarri 360 Challenge Stradale Or a nice Morgan Aero 8 But for now I will just dream
  4. charlotte hill


    I'd say he asked for it mate, I know its not something to be proud of, but in the situation what else were you expected to do
  5. charlotte hill


    You have upset me now here you go love ,have a good blow and tell me all about it. Excuse me??????????
  6. charlotte hill


    You have upset me now
  7. charlotte hill


    I cant help being emotional
  8. Ok I was just thinking of something a little warmer
  9. charlotte hill


    Never actually had revenge.... I'm the sort of person who sits at home crying for a month and f*****g my own head up I have heard some crackers though...... Someone apparently had sewn some fish into the hems of an exes curtains.......even after a few moves (taking curtains with them)they could not suss out where the smell was coming from!!! Another one that my 76 yr old Dad suggested is a cracker........Take some of the cheese "stinking bishop" and plant a TINY bit in their car!!! If you have ever smelt the stuff you will know what I mean And it will only improve with t
  10. Bllody hell......after numerous explanations I now get the bump thing!!!!! It took time but I finally got it!!! bump
  11. Sound's true that someones got it in for her....... Why is there a problem as long as the dogs dont bark constantly!! My dog's only bark if there is a knock at the door or someones on the prowl.....and then only for a few seconds! It's a good deterant and I'm sure the neighbours realise this! Tell your mate not to stress too much, hopefully this will all be sorted and the person making the complaints will be made to be the fool Ps, As they are kept in the house, would it not be worth your friend keeping them in a more "inner" room while the monitoring's going on??
  12. Fastdogz, I know it's not exactly an answer to your question but..... Do you have one of those Doggy hydro pools anywhere near you? I know it sounds a bit poncy, but if your dog does not mind water this can really help! It's not a miracle cure, but it's a way of excercising without putting any strain on the joint's or muscles......and in the process can strengthen them. It's never going to cure him back to his old running days, but may help so he will be able to have a bound along the beach or chace that bit of toast!!! Just a suggestion
  13. charlotte hill


    I didn't reply to your post Davo as I don't know where most of the shows are, I was not ignoring you....... Just stick around and I'm sure you will get all the information you need. As someone stated in an earlier reply to you, it's hard to trust people on a site that involves hunting....... Just be greatful you got ignored instead of getting some of the slatings I got!!!! Cried myself to sleep many nights over it There are lots of people on this site who will be more than willing to help you, maybe you should think of a more catchy way of heading your post's.......some
  14. I could have helped, but a bit far away
  15. A good way to stop the irritation is a bottle of Calamine lotion, Just dab some on with cotton wool.......... About 99p from the chemist's
  16. Your not the only one, My other half has been having one for about 12 months And to be truthfull it's wearing very thin now The first few weeks was quite amusing........but now
  17. Lovely views..............your extremely lucky!!!
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