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Everything posted by WHITE RUSSELL

  1. Ive just built some and ive used rubber matting mate i can hose it down then.
  2. Hi all i dont put much on here but i was wondering how many off you older lads thats been digging for years learnt the ropes? im the only member off my family thats into hunting so i dont have anyones footsteps to follow in and i dont know anyone that digs in my village/town. so it would be good to hear how you all started out. cheers and atb
  3. I've got one spitting image off this pal she turns 2 in october any pics bud ill take some over weekend an put um on
  4. I've got one spitting image off this pal she turns 2 in october
  5. Hi all my mate is after a pup from proven parents he's been on look out for abit now but not found anything decent so if anyone has any pup spare for sale get in touch please! Atb
  6. Hi all my mate is after a pup from proven parents he's been on look out for abit now but not found anything decent so if anyone has any pup spare for sale get in touch please! Atb
  7. I'm over there today mate so ill have a look round for him
  8. Ha I know mate but if you don't ask you don't get
  9. Morning all! mi mate is after a bitch pup off proven parents if anyone's got a litter cheers
  10. Many going game fair this Sunday/Monday?
  11. Anyone know when newark game fair is?
  12. Im putting a concrete base down for my new kennels is there anything you can add to the mix to protect it from piss??/ cheers
  13. My mates after any terrier pup as long as its off working parents money waiting
  14. hes not in to digging mate cheers for the reply tho
  15. @sam h was you down langwith wi lurchers when we had that bad snow pal?
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