we all sorted for tonight put new switch on me lamp so should have eney peroblems to night dnt ya just hate it [bANNED TEXT] ya lamp fucks [bANNED TEXT] ya in a fail full of bunnies lol
watching jeremy kyle show and just relised that my life is not that bad y would ya go and show ya self up pmsl ya would think they would get a loan of the dole and get a new rig out ya on tv man lol
i a no littel gaz well dnt gid no him lyk they must of bein talken shit then mate we could have a pop awer during the week and check it out if ya fanncy it mate
theys lads over cherry last night mate dnt no for defo lyk they might have jut bein talking shit lol but defo no that they have it over cherry mate what ya wanna do monday then mate
Cherry mate that I defo no ov butt gaz watsion from silky saposed of geting rabbits from stanip that got mixi and let them go up tunner dnt no for defo lyk do no for defo they got it over cherry tho mate lol
Over tunner saposed to be but I defo no its over cherry man this lad sed tow kids from silky got babby rabbets from stanip and let them go up tunner and thay had mixie or somik but ther defo mixeyd up awer cherry mate they look f*****g horrible pmsl