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About faye_lurcher_fin

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  1. 20O EURO REWARD - NO QUESTIONS ASKED for safe return of 15 year old Border terrier named Willow. This bitch has no value for breeding or working and is partly deaf and blind. Descriptions: Brown with lots of grey and white belly. Two lumps on belly. CALL 087 918 3795 OR 44 7792 249 804 TO CLAIM CASH REWARD
  2. Does anyone have any information on a 15yo Border Terrier bitch stolen from Limerick on Sunday September 11th. She's too old to breed from and we think someone may have not realised this when they took her. She was stolen from the back of a vehicle in Hospital, Co. Limerick. She is a pet and not a working dog. If anyone has any information, please pm me. Thank you.
  3. He is a pet but might have come from working parents we do not know.
  4. I have tested leaving the house for short periods and listening/ watching the reaction-it seems the trigger is me leaving. Interesting point Re. the dog walker-good idea as partner has broken tibia at the moment (rugby injury-grrrr), so perhaps his lunch run is essential. Tomorrow I will try more off-lead in the morning and an extra early start. Thank you for the advice.
  5. Hi everyone, I have a lurcher called Fin who we believe is Saluki x Greyhound. HE is a rescue dog and had a few issues when we first got him. He, as lots of lurchers are, is quite highly strung. At home he used to be a nightmare-chewing everything including carpet, furniture, clothes, door frames. Gradually and when we moved house this behaviour stopped. His behaviour has been impeccable since October and recently after a long spell off for the Christmas break, my partner has gone back to work and Fin's behaviour has gone straight back to phase one. Door frames chewed, doors chewed, barking,
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