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Everything posted by Col_c88

  1. Thanks very much .. ill check youtube when my kit gets here
  2. Decided since im on the sick STILL!!! I would do something creative whilest im not in the shed with the ferrets... so ordered a net making kit from agouti nets.. Im assuming EVERYTHING I need comes with this. Just wanted to know any tips and sizes etc. and any problems i should expect. looking forward to hopefully making nets worthy of taking out in the field
  3. i had to reinforce the bottom of the hutch i got from pets at home but it was pretty much needed there and then for emergancy so for the sake of conveniance...
  4. You live on a 16 acre farm... surely there is natural rabbit warrens around.. why spend the time doing something the rabbits have done allready... for excorsize when your not around, and to get kits used to different things.... pipes.. ropes.. rocks..logs..trays filled with water and a big rock in the middle so they dont tip it.. and each other will keep them busy
  5. I've got a funny feeling 2 of my best farms have been hit with mixy .. going to a third one tomorrow (with the air rifles for pigeons tho) hopefully that one hasnt been hit but it seems to be the most common.. If so i've got one more chance on a 4th farm.. and the 5th farm has nothing on it the farmer just likes the company Reading a few other posts it seems that mixy has hit hard this year least you got out mate
  6. Not to be an arse but shouldnt you have a hutch before actually getting the 4 ferrets... anyways.. pets at home are ok for hutches believe it or not.. though .. you can defintly make them yourself cheaper
  7. I see why this is needed... my posts ive jsut noticed get burried under the useless shit (not that my posts are useful) I have been here since before i got ferrets and learned as much about them from you as i can before actually getting them and figured the people who have helped me (most of you) would like to know how im getting on with them... but noone can see them (unless you choose to ignore them ) because of the amount of people selling ferrets infused with tiger blood. boycotting those posts wouldnt work as it would need almost everyone to ignore and thats not possible, so a more ac
  8. This is what i was trying to explain earlier im just terrible at explaining my thoughts
  9. My polecat does this and he always seems spot on when getting the rabbit.. like i say tho, unfortunatly hes started to kill under ground ... tho i havnt had enough outings to say that hes doing it all the time..
  10. Id like to think so mate... They must know somethings going on if ya think about it
  11. One of my jills was fine.. until i took her out and shes went right back to biting... today ive spent best part of the day with all my ferrets and i was putting ferret paste on the back of my hand.. letting her lick it.. while she licks it pick her up.. pull her into my chest and let her almost sit on my hand and id put my thumb infront of her face.. touch her head etc... once done licking i put her down... 5 minuts later i did it again (with less paste each time)... ill do this for the rest of the week as by the time i was only dabbing the tube on my hand she was expecting to be picked up....
  12. Ive not been in the game long enough to really say this is something they know but one of my hobs ive seen on many occasions,(not all just fairly often) will DRAG a rabbit out and not let go until someones got there hands on it... i dont know if all ferrets do something similar... but when i hear alot of noise underground and ive got him down ... if he gets a hold on it i can alot of the time guarantee hes coming out arse first with a rabbit in his mouth kicking.... hes a big strong hob so he has no trouble at all.. sometimes i wonder if he knows that this will be his dinner later ... either t
  13. Ive had no problem with it and been using it a bit over a year... though to be fair ive not had to dig much until recently.. but for £9-£14 cant complain ... ill be getting another if it breaks just because of its conveniance tbh ive never noticed the blade being soft.. like i say ive dug through very rocky terrain with ease... we'll see how it does over this winter
  14. This is the one i use.. sorry for posting again just figured picture would describe it better than i did
  15. that is the biggest load of crap ive ever heard... .. ive netted up half the bank and had the other half not netted for the lurcher . and there is no way. 90 percent bolt from the unetted holes... calm down.. I very much doubt he did a mathmatical assessment and worked out the % of rabbits that bolt from nets and into nets.... surely you could see this was a figure of speech? to put it into simpler words... getting more nets will help.. IF (like me) you dont have a running dog^... as ALOT of the time the rabbit will bolt from the holes you figured you would chance not netting up...
  16. I use the Draper Fibreglass Shafted Round Point Blade Mini Shovel ... Its 73cm... now.. before you think "well you will be bent over alot".. to start with im no 6ft guy,, nor is my dad.. also.. i find it easier to dig carefully on my knees (especially at the moment since im injoured)... its great on all terrain.. ive got farms with really soft soil to reallly rocky underground.. even bits of slate under ground.. and its going great.. its great for a big dig and digging up large amounts and when you get close to where you are its very easy to control how much you take out... the only problem i
  17. i was thinking that but there does see to be fresh shit outside the burrow but still does not mean anything there ill give them a weeks off then cheers for info I might be wrong and im sure someone with more knowledge will correct me if so but i believe rabbits generally shit in the same place .. usually outside or close to a hole.. this is because they can re-eat it to get the rest of the nutriants out of ... so even if there not staying in the warrens there will always be fresh shit outside a warren where rabbits are local ... if thats where theyve been before.... pretty sure t
  18. Yea, Unfortunatly it was my first collar and it was up the naffs caked in mud so i cleaned it.... in my moment of tiredness.. with water .. rooky mistake that i learned from (one of many), Saddle soap i should be able to get from any country type store then?
  19. what the gentle sound of a screaming rabbit with a jill hanging off its eyeball
  20. Seeing as theres so many wind up topics latley figured id put up the incrisingly rare "day out" post Decided to have a look out without the kits on monday afternoon when me dad finished his job. We took Charlie Chaser from this forum with one of his kits and his dog... I've never seen a running dog WORK so i was very excited, and he was looking forward to ferreting on some new land and seeing my terrier, so 3 ferrets 3 lads 2 dogs. we went to my 780 acre permission at around 11:30 and got straight into it. Now, I suggested a spot but of course.. im always wrong so my dad decided to ta
  21. Would be nice to be able to come for information and just general ferreting storys like it was not too long ago when i joined up .. ill add my name to your petition (as in.. for having a new mod)
  22. I subscribed providing your gonna put more vids up... but i beg you please.. dont put any shit music on it.. they really spoil videos (yea i know you can turn the sound off but i cant be the only one who likes to listen to the natural sounds?)
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