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Everything posted by Col_c88

  1. first let me say if this is in the wrong section im very sorry.. I go ferreting and shooting and get plenty of rabbits.. I will be getting a lurcher when im off the sick and want to make something for the lurcher using the rabbit fur to teach it to retrieve..(i dont know what the actual thing is called sorrt).. how would i go about doing this? i dont know anything about using skin/fur so starting from the basics after ive skinned a rabbit would be really helpful. thanks!
  2. Me, me mate and a bunch of lasses did one in a small forest when we were daft younguns.. me mate had a fit n all the lasses started screaming saying he was possesed or something pushed him .. all those types of ghost things....... this was like 10+year ago easy and he swears to this day he didnt put it on.. however this is the same mate who would smash his ankle up or something to have people talk about him.. a right attention seeker.. so i dont belive anything at all happened to him.. im a see it to believe it guy so to me its rubbish.. until proven I HAVE however seen something t
  3. I have 6 permissions (well, 7 but one of them has nothing on i think the farmer just likes the company..).. only have pics of the first 3 i got though.. 4 farms (5) 2 caravan parks.. This is the first permission we got, we don't ferret this much though, and a view from a hide we built.. This is my biggest farm, it has alot of fields and 2 woods. the biggest, black wood, had an old hide in it from a previous shooter which we rebuilt...when winter comes blackwood is bare and good for both shooting and ferreting..this is a very good all round permission.. This is the hide
  4. cant remember if i got it from screwfix (probable) or B&Q garden centre part (same people to be honest)
  5. I use Neoprene Deerhunter realtree gloves... I have shot in -10 with these (last years really bad snow) and my hands were totally fine... there great for keeping your hands warm and dry, they also have small rubber bobbles on the palm for grip wich is handy.. i do reccomend them
  6. well she could either be getting the run around off a rabbit .. or shes not sure.. a good idea if your albino is always keen to do the job is put your albino infront of the hole.. and as shes going down drop your polecat on the albinos arse.. (not literally like drop it on its arse but close enough..).. she SHOULD follow her down.. this is what ive done with a ferret that isnt keen..... then once do this a few times they start being ferrets and inquistive.. eventually she will bolt a rabbit, thats when something clicks.. ive done this with a few ferrets of mates and its worked .. one of my you
  7. if by network of tunnels you mean underground.. as i said in a previous post.. the problem with this idea, as fun and natural as it sounds, ferrets have an annoying habbit of hiding food not just in there nest boxes but anywhere they know is dark and safe.. they could leave it there and you would never know, they go back to get it and its gone rotten.. just seems more hassle than its worth to me... if you dont mean underground then i would just use paving slabs.. those 2x2 ones are so cheap this, aswell as making it impossible to dig, keeps there claws down enough. my run has half inch mes
  8. that mouse was awesome .. I have never heard of someone training their ferret to retrieve while working (pets maybe).. i wonder if the predetor instict will come out in the ferret though ... anyways good luck in this would like to see the results..
  9. gotta be honest with you mate, i only castrated both of mine because my misses said no more ferrets... until 2 albino jills came up off me mate.. if i had known i would of got 2 jills i would of vasectamised one and castrated the other and just seperated them during the months of lurrrvvee.. so thats your call.. however if you have no jills and dont plan on getting any castration really calms them down.. but they still work perfectly.
  10. Its one of my permissions mate.. caravan site needs clearing up as much as possible before thursday when they open again.. i was there on friday gone with the ferrets but needs more ..and wont allow airrifles.. apart from that yea im pretty sure hes about done.... i wanna keep the job right cos' if i get numbers down i can go back in november when he shuts and hopefully by then i'll have me own dog too
  11. yea.. the more dominent one will be under the idea of "any holes a go" horny little sods!... my 2 males ended up bigstyle scrapping so i got them castrated...
  12. yea mate, Iain Hardy (going lamping on one of my permissions tomorrow with him) added me on it the other day I've got a patterdale terrier (in my pic) but hes not from working stock and when i got him he originaly was a pet.. until i moved out.. broke him to the ferrets hes spot on.. I wanna see what hes like on rats, waiting for Mick to sort something out for me... when im off the sick im getting meself a lurcher! cheers
  13. Like that mate is that a timberbuild kennel? Dogs look like tigers with the shadows lol. Atb lol yea they do!... very nice setup that mate.
  14. after talking the misses into allowing me to have lurcher, and looking into alot of posts on here and other things.. i've decided this is the dog for me.. sounds like it will be a good allround down mainly used for ferreting. thanks to this posts info.
  15. i put a small cat bowl (one of those really small plastic ones) level full if i have to ... but i prefer giving them meat.
  16. at least two of my farms rabbits breed all year round mostly so i still work my ferrets on days that arnt too hot in the summer (not as often though).. plus the farmers ask me... gotta be done to keep my permissions...when not working them though i have an outside run with tubes, hammocks, a rope,, a toy hanging from the lid with a bell on they like to rag about, some bush or conifer for them to roll around in, some rocks and a tub of water.. keeps them pretty busy and theres a shaded off bit with a hammock under that too if they get too hot.
  17. I'll probabley be building my own since.. i can.. it will probably work out cheaper but if not i will keep those in mind thanks mate
  18. saw this on facebook terrier work group nice lookin dogs mate
  19. as said in a previous post ive talked the misses into letting me get a running dog to add to my ferrets and terrier..My dad had a racing greyhound when i was like, 5 so really... ive never had a dog like this.,, I've got my heart set on a collie x grey type.. I like to think im pretty good at figuring dogs out im all self taught with my terrier and he does what i need even though hes not from working stock... however i WOULD pick a running dog from working parents as my intention is to work the runner... it was never to work the terrier until i moved out my parents. just wondering.. apart
  20. you should always have a spare place to put your ferret.. if one gets a disease or something it could pass it on and clear out your lot..... not excuse for not knocking up a quick temparary hutch mate..
  21. dunno about dogs but i know Rabbits do this.. and i know you can eat deer shit since thats full of nutriants and they dont re-eat theirs my terrier used to eat the cats when he was a pup just out of curiosity.
  22. spot on that mate.. kinda the same idea im going for.. use the existing shed open it up fully instead of just a couple of hutches so the ferrets have a decent area. put a fair sized hole in it so the dog can see the ferrets and build on a kennel but im just not sure what would be required to keep the dog safe and healthy outside since ive never had an outside dog... even me dads racing greyhound was indoors when i was younger (it pissed on the xmas tree though) just wanna do it right for the dog ya know!
  23. Im a ceramic tiler/plasterer so thats easy
  24. Think I've talked the misses into me getting a running dog to acompany me, my ferrets and my patterdale.. when my foot is 100% fixed and im back at work.. our house is a small 2 bedroom.. and we had a daughter 13 weeks ago.. the patterdale lives indoors with my misses's westie so as you can imagine.. theres no room inside (other wise i wouldnt mind).. my ferrets are in the shed and im just wondering.. what kind of outside kennel could i use .. Im thinking of extending the shed and figuring out a way to make a kennel with that so the ferrets and the dog in the same place (obviously seperat
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