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Everything posted by Col_c88

  1. thats pretty tough Malt... gonna keep my mind active for a bit thats for sure!
  2. argh! how do you snap a knee cap in half!?
  3. tenden damage from my toes up to the top of my calf and nerve damage creating spazims in my calf wich causes alot of pain and my foot is permanently stuck in a posistion you cant normaly put it in, then the nerves are sending conflicting signals which is making the tendens not fix properly.. or something to that effect.. if this boot ive got, that has to keep being tightned, doesnt work im due an operation on my back to burn off some nerves that are sending the signals which will put me out of all kinds of action (if you know what i mean) for a while.. so.. hope this boot works.. all off kicki
  4. no im not seeking an active running dog this instant.. infact if you read most my posts learning about running dogs youll notice nearly all of them say something about when im well enough to walk it the distance needed.. that would be just daft. sure i could do something else.. like pen push all day.. however after the training...which would take i dont know how long.. of whatever it is i would do.. i would then be told not to bother thanks to health and safety and the fact that my leg is constantly stuck out for the time being... i actually didnt claim anything for the first 2-3 month due
  5. So happy I won my sick benefit tribunal.... i wanted to post it here haha.. i was pretty nervous.. especially when they were shocked i had no soliciter there with me.. I walked in and the doctor there seemed pretty much on my side.. agreeing that with the way my leg/foot is theres no chance of me plastering/tiling.. he definatly knew the deal, and thourughly examined my medicle documents from the multiple specialists ive seen.... the judge.. well i felt like he was trying to catch me out but i guess he was just doing his job.... I must of walked in and they thought "this is a waste of ti
  6. Col_c88

    Myxy Hares?

    nope, they dont get it either
  7. Definatly worth making your own nets.. once you figure out how to do it (took me a few days mind..) you can do it while you sit and watch TV.. also fairly satisfying when a net you made purses up the rabbit.. Agouti nets is probably your best bet, £17 i believe for the full set i think you can make around 15 normal sized nets from a spool.. theres lots of different colours and also tutorials on their site. good luck!
  8. lol "Skinny dog" nice one lads thanks for the replies!
  9. I like to shoot with my air rifles.. miss out on alot of woodys during the ferret season once im off the sick and got my lurcher that will take up my time during the off season.. and i cant wait!
  10. Just sat here and my misses asked why I started hunting, she thought I was brought up around it.. got me wondering how many people have been brought up in the hunting background and how many have started it off on there own.. I started because I got medicly discharged out of the army, I was sat in my parents for a good 6 month both recovering and feeling sorry for myself. I loved every minut I had in the short time I was there, but when not being able to continue I felt I let my parents (who didnt want me in anyways but just wanted me to succeed at something I really wanted to do), my gran
  11. Col_c88


    should smear gerkin all over that sign.. UGH
  12. Col_c88


    even the seagulls leave them Rob!
  13. Work with my dad in his own business as a Ceramic tiler and plasterer...love it! though ive been on the sick for almost a year now due to my foot still... have trained to be a plumber until i got messed about, and been in the army until medicly discharged ;/
  14. Col_c88


    beat me to it.. i was about to say its probably some busy body who feels the need to be a higher authority than the average joe public.. god I hate busy bodies more than I hate those green things they put on mcdonalds burgers.. and thats alot!!!!!! angered myself now!
  15. umm.. wait??.. one of mine is on its way in the other no sign........ why are you wanting your jill in season........
  16. Unreal how bored I am!

  17. Nice photos mate.. good luck finding someone tho, might be better looking for someone in the winter since most people stop ferreting around about now.
  18. haha aye i can imagine some comments if people spot ya chucking, as far as they know, a rabbit around
  19. yea.. much faster than chewin on with elastic bands or socks or little bags or whatever.. just wrap them up and throw them in your net bag ..
  20. oh ok thanks, i never thought about the natural smell thing .. duh!! and also midnight I will be doing that in the future!!
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