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Everything posted by Col_c88

  1. anyone know the cheapest place to get JUST a mk3 ferret collar? ive only got the 1 at the mo, cheapest ive found is £60 thanks
  2. oh, im confident, ive ferreted before with mates and the guy who i got these 2 off has done a great job, theyve only nipped me once and that was the first time i got hold of them since then theyve just had a good sniff and a bit of a scratch at my knuckle think ill take them out sometime this week as the job i was on turned out to be smaller than we thought so finished it in 2 days lol
  3. well just got back from collecting my first two ferrets from a lad on this forum, there huge compared to what im used to seeing will need to get the hutch extention sorted asap, put them in the hutch and they had a good roll around and found the daft bits of meat in there and then started to dig and pull the hay through random holes haha, cant wait to get them working! how long will it take for them to get used to me before i can work them or can i go at it straight away? very exciting time for me .. also the first time my girlfriend ever seen a ferret she got all "awwwww look at
  4. ok mate thankyou very much, apreciate it!
  5. i understand its good to occasionally give the ferrets a raw egg? is that each... do i crack it put it in a bowl or something or will they manage on there own thanks oh yea, also, how long will a rabbit last 2 ferrets, my mate said he puts a rabbit in every 2-3 days but i can imagine they go through one a bit quicker than that, unless he means he puts other things in there instead during the other days?
  6. loads of recipees for rabbit mate and i havnt had a mingin one yet, our lass does rabbit curry alot cos its easy .. even in a korma its delicous but my favourite has to be Rabbit Goulash.. me mam makes it when me dad brings a few bunrabs back and its the only time i make a point of going over to see them haha yep.. its so good i actually put up with the parents just to have some!
  7. needs to get out on the farms!

  8. one of my farms is right next to a public footpath but the dog walkers dont use it.. oh no.. they use the farm, and i havnt met one person who is polite when im walking around with my air rifle... theres on pure bitch who actually lets her 2 black labs off the lead when she sees me cos she knows they go belting after rabbits, just to piss me off.. one time they jumped out the bushes, i was so angry i told her there are men who shoot this farm who have shotguns, if they get a shock and arnt experienced they could harm her dog so she should control them.. (i use air rifles) her reply was "i
  9. kinda like showing the back of your hand to a unknown dog and letting it sniff you then.....thats put my mind to rest thankyou very much mate this forum is full of such helpful people thanks again!!
  10. well i have had to calm myself down as i was over excited about getting 2 kits off my mate when his ferrets breed.. but something hit me today that its still gonna be a couple month, they have yet to breed, then the pregnancy period, then however long it takes for them to be able to leave the mother. so im kinda gutted, as this will be my first time owning ferrets and working an animal which im very excited about i spent all day yesterdat setting up 2 hutches in the shed,making shelves etc. im going to spend tomorrow staining them.. i got myself a mk3 and a collar so all i need is the bedd
  11. hi, ive got a 2 year old patterdale but hes never worked...im just wondering how you went on teaching a matured dog to be ok with your ferrets..when i eventually get my ferrets i would love to use my patterdale to mark .. which he is good at due to me taking him on the farms for walks when im scouting them out.. and would love it if he grabbed the rabbit in the net till i got to it like i see alot of dogs do.. but leave the ferret
  12. nice pics!! nice dogs too! i wish i had started ferreting earlier so my 2yr old patterdale would not be just a pet and be a rabbiter... ive been told it will be too hard to get him used to the ferretss (wich i dont have yet but soon) you guys make me so jelous
  13. awesome thanks alot mate apreciate it!
  14. nice one, kinda what i had figured but just need confirmation... hmm.. my Patterdale will be wondering why he doesnt get as much rabbit jibblets once the ferrets arrive (wish they would hurry up and breed so i can get them!!)
  15. you can also get the bottle filled in divers shops or places like deep blue theres a place in sunderland i forgot the name of fills them too but if you got your own bottle its easier
  16. hey guys... sorry for all the questions ive put on latley but another just popped into my head I understand that i should feed my ferrets (when i bloody get them!) rabbits and other raw meat (apart from salty stuff like pork), but when feeding fish or chicken should i cook it first? also should i gut the rabbits and skin them or just throw them in.
  17. no mate its a well balanced gun and just the way the straps are fitted , ive just bought new one and its not front or back heavy, i think you will find this on most guns slinged up hmm ive had a few guns and never had this problem before ive had this sling on another gun before this and not had this problem, not saying your wrong like, still would like to know if ther are other stocks available
  18. i have a BSA R10 and i love it, however i have a condition in my chest wich can be a big problem when i find the stock to be a bit heavy, it swings upside down on my shoulder i have to constintly hold it otherwise it swings all over the place, i dont know if its butt heavy or front end heavy but either way its not very well balanced. does anyone know where, if anywhere, i can see new stocks for the R10, thanks in advance
  19. thankyou very much guys i got the job i was on finished today so im starting on the shed tomorrow thanks again
  20. ncie thankyou very much for the quick reply.... i am going to build a door frame and fill the frame with wire mesh stuff and put it behind the main shed door so that if it does get warm i can keep the shed door open and feel safe that noone can get in quick but will still let alot of air in. when you say a bed box do you mean i have to have a seperate area for just there bedding or can i partition half of one of the hutches off with a hole and they will climb in there to sleep? wow i feel a bit dumb lol edit: Oh yea!.. i know what i will be feeding them but should they be drinki
  21. hello again, i have a few questions regarding ferret housing (obviously due to the topic..lol)seeing as i will soon be getting my 2 workers.. 1)i have 2 rabbit hutches given to me, ive cleaned them out thouroly (sp?) and there pretty big, im planning on connecting them to make it a pretty big "house" however, should i put one on top of the other or side by side, im not sure of a ferrets climbing ability. 2)what type of ... floor i guess, should i use, like wood chipings etc?.. im gonna try NOT use straw due to i know alot of straw holds all sorts of bugs so is there some alternative to
  22. Hi guys, new to the board and ive looked around but cant seem to find anything on this topic so figured id ask myself.. first off let me say i shoot air rifles so im not someone who is just getting into hunting.. however ive been out with a friend a few times recently with his ferrets and terriers and its a nice change of pace from shooting, they all are terrific workers its really good to see, so he asked if i would like 2 of his litter when he breeds them in a couple month (for free!).. after talking the misses into it, its all sorted, now im just waiting for him to breed them..i also ha
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