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Everything posted by Col_c88

  1. my patterdale went for a staffy that latched onto my sisters young patterdale.. funny enough so did my dads patterdale(my sister's dogs sister) and my misses's westie.. was quit shocked since only my dads n sisters are related and mine is about 3 year older than them....but i guess, since they all usually get walked together they are part of the pack.. my pattedale has went for a dog that went for me once too... all pack mentality i suppose
  2. ws thinking that myself to be honest.. mines only 3ft high, they climb it as soon as they see me.. its handy since once i lift the lid to get them out i dont have to lean over they just come to me but they slide down (as you described) only sometimes they are hypo and end up falling from about half way.. doesnt seem to bother them but any higher and i think i would be worried.
  3. Man Flu!! pray for me me!

    1. Col_c88


      nout off wor lass either!

    2. rocky1


      yes col i know iain

    3. Kay


      your in my thoughts..lol

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. looks like its floating.. or you put a sticker on a picture of a field.. nice dogs!
  5. yep, just keep the owner happy and show ya face. http://www.masterhunter.co.uk/ is always getting rated on here mate
  6. it'll find its way down.. plenty of times ive put my ferrets down for them to go running down a hole i didnt see.. wouldnt worry about that. i dont know much about long nets but thinking about getting one soon. sorry no help there.. I would probabley keep snaring them if there is plenty around in other locations.. however if its a bit thin and thats the main area i might not put as many out .. just to keep the permission worth going to to be honest
  7. haha when winter comes its pretty much the same story from my misses mate
  8. been shooting this evening (bear with me.. i know.. this is ferret forum but im more a ferreter than shooter now..) .. only got 1 rabbit .. this permission has been almost wipedout last year with mixi but they are starting to come back now.. mainly went for pigeon.. ANYWAYS... the rabbit looked really healthy.. no sign of mixi.. couple of ticks but nothing out the ordinary.. I get home.. went to gut the rabbit and soon as i opened it up there was TONS of little brown balls inside of it.. i hadnt bust its $h!t tube or nothing i was very careful as always.. i tipped it up to let the guts o
  9. Hi welcome!.. theres some good knife craftsmen (i dunno what you call a person who makes a knife) on here.. have a look in the craft and DIY section!
  10. ferrets, nets, put them in a box..... kill them when away from the permission ... pretty sure re-releasing them is against the law? .. could be wrong??
  11. aye mate will do... might go just to get the pup socializing a bit to be honest.
  12. mine usually get handled 2-3 times a day.. when i put them in the run.. when i put them back in the hutch, during this time I check them over for anything that might be out of the ordinary.. and when i go in on a night to put a rabbit in and they climb all over me.... sometimes i will give them a bit of a play or give them some paste off me hand.. just to keep the handling there but not too often. though i spent a fair few hours with the kits when i got them but that should be a given. theres pipes ropes and rocks in the run so no need to do much else with them really...
  13. good idea about the guttering.. might do that myself!
  14. welcome mate. Me dads got a BSA Ultra and it is a very nice gun... If i didnt have a Super10 i would of probabley had it off him to be honest!
  15. anyone been to this before? its in august but i havnt had teh chance to get to any so far this year.. really wanted to go to the yorkshire one but thanks to being a godfather at a christening i couldnt!! how selfish of them!! my year wont feel right if i dont get to at least one so if this one is any good i will have a look cheers.
  16. My mates bred his bull x saluki x greyhound with his saluki x greyhound .. so whatever that makes they should be ready in 4-5 weeks i think. its my first lurcher, ive asked alot of info on here, aswell as read stuff.. and my mate will obviously be giving me info and helping me along the way.. im very excited as its something completley new to me. im looking forward to putting the work into her and training her aswell as i can!
  17. I got my patterdale as a pet as i wasn't aloud to work him.... then i moved out my parents house and figured id give it a go.. he was around 2 1/2 when i started him.. everyone (including a few people on here) told me I would not be able to break a 2 1/2 year old patterdale to ferrets.. well I did.. and it was easy (very obedient patterdale to be fair) .. he marks up great.... if he ignores a hole theres nothing there..we watch him as he usually follows the noise and you can 9 times out of 10, tell which hole a rabbit is about to bolt out of, then hes on rabbits in nets so quick till we get th
  18. too hot.. just have enough water for him.if possible have a big enough bowl for him to climb in (and out) too... ferrets dont handle heat well at all.. i had to risk leaving the shed open all day yesterday as i was at a christening and new it was going to be hot..dont like leaving it open when im out. unless your being asked to go clear rabbits i wouldnt even bother going out this time of year.. and if you are being asked you will have to say you need to wait till its cooled down..just for the ferrets sake..... but be prepared to dig and be stung by nettles, rumage for your ferret in overg
  19. when i dont have rabbit in for them or pigeon, I do exactly this.. i also sometimes dip them in a protein mix i have for the dogs.. dunno why i just do.. never seems to harm them... i get the cheap chicken fillets or thighs from tesco and just freeze them. As long as bones arnt cooked it wont hurt them. day old chicks are ok once every now and then but more as a treat than anything else.. they dont really offer anything nutritonal and if fed too much can cause problems due to the little feathers (down i think its called???) .. however i have been told it flushes them out pretty good... mi
  20. hope ya got plenty of rabbit cos thats gonna take some feeding!
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