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Everything posted by rossthedog

  1. If you can use any alternative to royal mail use it they are totally unproffesional
  2. If its farmed fish more likely got more additives in it than the complete dog food.
  3. I don't care what the job is it's the working nights that destroys you.
  4. Don't think I could stand all the ego boosting that the mods rely on.
  5. Learn to trust your terrier if you can't trust it get rid and try again,don't know anything about hounds but I would use the same rule as thumb with them.
  6. My terriers bush rabbits keeps them fit and gets pups using there noses have had a few terriers now over quite a few years a and only dug to one rabbit its the dogs that only get out the kennel only occasionally that cause the problems
  7. Don't know her never heard of her don't do shows but if she's honest good luck to her.
  8. I've had a Hancock bred dog and it was a good dog it took plenty of roe and fox few years back.one of the best rabbit bitches I've seen was a Hancock and she would take fox as well.havnt seen e Hancock working for a while now so can't comment on more recent breeding.
  9. yep ive always had a dummy egg or 2 in nest boxes its always worked for me
  10. Money fame and ego , how many on this thread would really be happier digging than bitching not many.
  11. A sensitive question this one and one I have my own opinions on,if a vixen is killed this time of year leaving a litter of orphaned cubs generally will they be preyed upon or will they starve.My shovels are put away now and unless a dreaded call out comes they will stay unused till next winter but road casualties and riflemen will still be at it.
  12. Border x Lakeland a well tried and tested x but border fell or border patterdale I've not heard much good about may be the owners at fault rather than the dog .
  13. Where's it say ime in the market for a stud dog ,I always look at the classifides on this site yet havnt bought a dog for over 20 years as I posted just like to see what's about. Your still a massive nob. i dont belive you believe what you like , nob.
  14. Being happy with or excepting late starters along with showing is what's ruined the majority of borders and why would you hold back a keen young terrier till it was 2 it could of learnt loads by that age without being overmatched.
  15. Where's it say ime in the market for a stud dog ,I always look at the classifides on this site yet havnt bought a dog for over 20 years as I posted just like to see what's about. Your still a massive nob.
  16. . Lol. You made the comment. Working terrierd are in decline. And preserving slow starters is aiding it. Back it Up then. Rossthedog Back it up ,its a internet forum there's no way of prooving what I've experienced that's why these type of sites are a haven for waisters dreamer liears and even antis lol you just have to weigh up what you read disregard or give attention to what you want its all piss and wind .
  17. Sounds like he's owned by a massive nob.
  18. Bit like myself don't like to see any get away lol wonder how many terriers they enter in an earth
  19. Do they still advertise stud dogs on this site like to see what's about
  20. You should know if it's worth the wait if you've had the dog from a pup,you should be able to read the signs of has it or hasn't it got what it takes,my russell bitch has taken a little while to switch on but i could tell she was worth waiting for and she's now 2 years old.A few like yourself would have given her up at 18 month old as she wouldn't be rushed to ground as such and even now you need to let her have her sniff around and let her drop in when she's ready,take her to a hole on a lead and ask her to go straight in and she won't,she just needs her own time and this winter has seen her
  21. That's a cracker that is pal, lol How long a wait is to long ?
  22. But some of the best working terriers I ever seen were (so called) late starters would you breed from these late starters?
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