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Everything posted by BRY

  1. going into a house thats full of bottles of piss and human shite all over the place, spraying or fogging, also going in after someone has been found dead on the floor and has been there for 2wks with flies everywhere shit up to the nines and carefull for the needles. (love them jobs lol) clearing a loft soiled with rat shite and piss thats so low u have to crawl into it. yer its great being a pestie sometimes lol Bry
  2. BRY


    my mates bitch just had 9 pups , both parents working and sire is from german import. If you are interested pm for his number (its in Newport S Wales) Bry
  3. Just to let people know that gbsights (Digital nv sights ) will have a trade stand at the above show this sat-sun. If anyone has been wanting to see a aspro digital night vision attachment and speak to Gavin about them , he will be at the show Thanks Bry
  4. Talpex for me but where the runs are near the surface i do use a few duffus
  5. nice going Mag i been following the bbs saga lol looks like it works for you Bry
  6. BRY


    are they the BLUE eye? 400 000 ? Bry
  7. BRY

    Len French.

    a lot of you guys bought cheap jabs/tabs penacilin off the guy and you WERE GLAD of it lighten up , he found a a place to make money and help other working dogs owners out the same time Bry
  8. Just been to check the belt down the shed, i must have taken 1 of the carry pouches off and it needs a bit of tread in 1 corner. Still take a 7amp battery tho , its ures if u want it ? pm [bANNED TEXT] details if so Cheers BRY
  9. ok mate i got a double belt pouch down the shed (takes 2x 7amp bats) i will go see if its ok , if it is u can have it mate Bry (pestbry) lol
  10. LOL woody hope u learn't now hehehe good job u edited and took the pic off too hehehehe Bry
  11. suprises me how many people shoot game/ ducks etc out of season
  12. haven't seen any round the newport area S.Wales anybody seen any here? i been told they are in chepstow ? Bry
  13. Hi i'm after a pait of 30mm HILVER scope mounts med - high to fit my MTC scope onto my ruger 222 Any body got any ? i been trying but all out of stock Thanks Bry
  14. I.ve had my aspro nv since friday , going out with it 2n after a lampshy duck killing charles i been messing about with it since friday as i pulled me back out on friday made sure the 222+rimmy were on sunday but its rained eversince at nite here But looks gonna be a good nite so off to bait up and wait with digi nv Hope u get on ok with ures H/O/ Wales get used to the buttons and settings then u will be amazed at the nv hers the webby for the nv http://www.gbsights.co.uk/digital.htm Bry
  15. nice bit of work there mate 3 of them look BIG too
  16. I'm sure DONKY told me ditch lives on the top floor of a multi storey building lol Bry
  17. we need a pro fencer here nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol Bry
  18. waz u got me thinking now lmao Buttttttttt if u go plank gap plank gap still works out at 62/ 4" planks at 4 foot high to 31foot long fence lol Is the BUD makin me wrong lol Bry
  19. Waz 4" plank/ 4" gap/ 4" plank = 12 inches yer? 2 planks per 12 " x 31 = 62 ?
  20. steve are u turning irish lol Bry
  21. just a quick reckoning here DS 62 4" planks for 31 foot fence ? with 4" gaps 3x4 = 12 inches 2 planks and a gap to each foot? i might be wrong lol but don't think so Forgot to say thats if the planks are 4 foot high /? Bry
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